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st: path analysis sureg, cmdok, boostrap with imputed data?

From   Catharine Morgan <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: path analysis sureg, cmdok, boostrap with imputed data?
Date   Thu, 14 Apr 2011 10:13:59 +0000

Hi Statalist users,

I am trying to test the effect of an independent variable (iv) through a mediator (m1) on a dependent variable (y), all of which are continuous variables. In addition I wish to add further covariates, three continuous and one categorical. I have successfully used a complete case dataset using the sureg command. However I now wish to test the imputed data set (40 imputations) and have used the sureg command using cmdok and mi in STATA 11.

I have the following queries:

1) I have read there may be issues with some commands not supported by mi but sureg with cmdok appears to be working, are there any indicators from my output to suggest otherwise or obvious signs I should look out for? 

2) I have run bootstrapping (with the help of a colleague) and wanted to check about the warning STATA returns. I am wondering why strata 41 appears on the output rather than 40. I think it may be using m=0 data also. Do you know how to correct this if this is incorrect?

3) Does anyone know how I can add in multiple independent variables to test them simultaneously on the same mediator and dependent variable?

I have listed the syntax and output below. Many thanks for your time, Cathy

This is the syntax I have used:

xi:mi estimate, cmdok: sureg (m1 iv cov1 cov2 cov3 i.cov4) (y m1 iv cov1 cov2 cov3 i.cov4)

capture program drop bootcm

program bootcm, rclass
drop _mi_id
bys _mi_m: gen _mi_id = _n
xi:mi estimate, cmdok: sureg (m1 iv cov1 cov2 cov3 i.cov4) (y m1 iv cov1 cov2 cov3 i.cov4) matrix b = e(b_mi) return scalar ind1 = el("b", 1, colnumb("b", "m1:iv")) return scalar ind2 = el("b", 1, colnumb("b", "y:m1")) return scalar indtotal = el("b", 1, colnumb("b", "m1:iv"))*el("b", 1, colnumb("b", "y:m1")) end

bootstrap r(ind1) r(ind2) r(indtotal), reps(500) strata(_mi_m) :bootcm estat bootstrap, all

The output STATA is returning: 

. xi:mi estimate, cmdok: sureg (m1 iv cov1 cov2 cov3 i.cov4) (y m1 iv cov1 cov2 cov3 i.cov4)
i.depriv_grps_i   _Idepriv_gr_1-4     (naturally coded; _Idepriv_gr_1 omitted)

Multiple-imputation estimates                     Imputations     =         40
                                                  Number of obs   =        425
                                                  Average RVI     =     0.1076
DF adjustment:   Large sample                     DF:     min     =     650.87
                                                          avg     =   30595.89
                                                          max     =  162393.01

             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
m1           |
          iv |    .263259   .0405813     6.49   0.000     .1836816    .3428365
        cov1 |   .6513497   .3615691     1.80   0.072    -.0573187    1.360018
        cov2 |   .0063562    .013241     0.48   0.631    -.0195965    .0323088
        cov3 |   .0120347    .015811     0.76   0.447    -.0189553    .0430248
    _Icov4~2 |  -.1198675   .4329068    -0.28   0.782    -.9683557    .7286206
    _Icov4~3 |    .202258   .4486146     0.45   0.652    -.6770235     1.08154
    _Icov4~4 |   .0695109   .4543683     0.15   0.878    -.8210761    .9600979
       _cons |   13.70543   1.352386    10.13   0.000     11.05437     16.3565
y            |
          m1 |   1.828701   .1590137    11.50   0.000     1.516739    2.140663
          iv |  -.0633312   .1370068    -0.46   0.644    -.3323599    .2056975
        cov1 |   1.952565   1.141438     1.71   0.087    -.2856063    4.190736
        cov2 |   .1639724    .042429     3.86   0.000     .0807423    .2472025
        cov3 |   -.073326   .0499443    -1.47   0.142    -.1712756    .0246236
    _Icov4~2 |  -1.714443   1.367262    -1.25   0.210    -4.395557    .9666698
    _Icov4~3 |   .3836167    1.38614     0.28   0.782    -2.333895    3.101129
    _Icov4~4 |   -1.18265    1.39184    -0.85   0.396    -3.911344    1.546045
       _cons |   26.85021   4.797198     5.60   0.000     17.43863    36.26179

. capture program drop bootcm

. program bootcm, rclass
  1.    drop _mi_id
  2.    bys _mi_m: gen _mi_id = _n
  3.  xi:mi estimate, cmdok: sureg (m1 iv cov1 cov2 cov3 i.cov4) (y m1 iv cov1 cov2 cov3 i.cov4)
  4.    matrix b = e(b_mi)
  5.    return scalar ind1 = el("b", 1, colnumb("b", "m1:iv"))
  6.    return scalar ind2 = el("b", 1, colnumb("b", "y:m1"))
  7.    return scalar indtotal =  el("b", 1, colnumb("b", "m1:iv"))*el("b", 1, colnumb("b", "y:m1"))
  8.  end
. bootstrap r(ind1) r(ind2) r(indtotal), reps(500) strata(_mi_m) :bootcm (running bootcm on estimation sample)

Warning:  Because bootcm is not an estimation command or does not set e(sample), bootstrap has no way to determine which observations
          are used in calculating the statistics and so assumes that all observations are used.  This means that no observations will
          be excluded from the resampling because of missing values or other reasons.

          If the assumption is not true, press Break, save the data, and drop the observations that are to be excluded.  Be sure that
          the dataset in memory contains only the relevant data.

Bootstrap results

Number of strata   =        41                  Number of obs      =     17425
                                                Replications       =       500

      command:  bootcm
        _bs_1:  r(ind1)
        _bs_2:  r(ind2)
        _bs_3:  r(indtotal)

             |   Observed   Bootstrap                         Normal-based
             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       _bs_1 |    .263259    .040638     6.48   0.000       .18361     .342908
       _bs_2 |   1.828701   .2084724     8.77   0.000     1.420103      2.2373
       _bs_3 |   .4814221   .0772151     6.23   0.000     .3300833    .6327608

. estat bootstrap, all

Bootstrap results
Number of strata   =        41                  Number of obs      =     17425
                                                Replications       =       500

      command:  bootcm
        _bs_1:  r(ind1)
        _bs_2:  r(ind2)
        _bs_3:  r(indtotal)

             |    Observed               Bootstrap
             |       Coef.       Bias    Std. Err.  [95% Conf. Interval]
       _bs_1 |   .26325901   -.021616     .040638      .18361    .342908   (N)
             |                                       .1613802    .314101   (P)
             |                                       .1995111   .3861749  (BC)
       _bs_2 |   1.8287012  -.2486033   .20847243    1.420103     2.2373   (N)
             |                                       1.132552    1.99977   (P)
             |                                       1.691838   2.138577  (BC)
       _bs_3 |   .48142207  -.1006636   .07721506    .3300833   .6327608   (N)
             |                                       .2299137   .5390809   (P)
             |                                       .4234512   .6634043  (BC)
(N)    normal confidence interval
(P)    percentile confidence interval
(BC)   bias-corrected confidence interval

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