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From | emanuele mazzini <> |
To | |
Subject | st: tsset - repeated time values within panel |
Date | Tue, 29 Mar 2011 00:00:51 +0200 |
Dear Stata users, I have a panel bilateral dataset with country pairs from year 1950 to 2006 and experiencing the error message repeated time values within panel when typing tsset. I have already read some messages sen by other people experiencing the same issue, and also I tried to follow the suggestion of the guide, but still cannot understand why i got that. To be more precise, as mine is a bilateral dataset, I have to say that every observation is identified by three variables (cty1, cty2 and year) so may be the problem relates to this, but obviously I am not sure. Finally, I am not really interested in the command per se, but the point is to replace some missing values which are time-constant and for which I do have data for the previous/following years. Can anybody help me to deal with this? Thank you very much in advance, Regards, Emanuele. * * For searches and help try: * * *