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st: on KPSS

From   Max Fotbollen <>
To   <>
Subject   st: on KPSS
Date   Fri, 25 Mar 2011 12:42:22 +0100

I need to run KPSS test ub Stata.
Now I know that I should install it from SJ 6-3. I hate to be novice, but I still put myself in situations where I am like beginners. Hoppfully I learn new things every day.
My question now is how one where can I find SJ 6-3 file and how can I install it. I saw somewhere the command "net install" and I tried it already without any success. I tried also just "install SJ 6-3".
Thanks a lot for any advice i can get on this matter.
And I truly apologize fo being slightly dyslectic. 
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