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Re: st: CSV read with limits

From   Mike Lacy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: CSV read with limits
Date   Sat, 12 Mar 2011 16:24:39 -0700

Argyn Kuketayev <[email protected]> wrote:

>I have CSV file (comma separated). I need Stata to read the 1st line
>with variable names, then import only selected variables. Also I want
>to limit the number of observations to read.
>I cant figure out how to do it in Stata. In SAS it would be easy with
>DATA, var list and OBS option.
>- --
>Argyn Kuketayev

I agree with Argyn that this is more difficult than it should be, as I've face similar problems myself. Considering that many large data sets are distributed as csv, having an option on insheet to read a limited number of lines and/or variables would be natural. That being said, here's a way to solve Argyn's problem with available tools.

The user written program -chunky- can break CSV files into chunks, while retaining the header on each one. It can be used easily (if a bit inefficiently) to address the current problem, as follows:

// Make a large-ish CSV file to work with
set obs 10000
forval i = 1/200 {
   gen x`i' = 100 * runiform()
outsheet using c:\temp\big.csv, comma names nolabel replace
// Get the user-written program -chunky- and use it to break up the file into chunks
ssc install chunky
// ********** Real work starts here
cd c:\temp  // need somewhere to put the chunks
// choose # of bytes in each chunk; larger is faster
local size = 10000000
chunky using c:\temp\big.csv, chunksize(`size') header(include) stub(piece) replace insheet using "piece0001.txt", clear comma names // chunky names files consecutively
keep x1 x100 x150 x200
keep in 1/500 // retain the desired lines
foreach f in `s(filelist)' {
   erase `f'

The preceding would be less clumsy if -chunky- had options to
1) allow reading of just one chunk, with size specified by line length;
2))use  tempfiles to store the pieces.

These are not complaints, just some thoughts about about useful options that I suspect are consistent with the way -chunky- works.


Mike Lacy, Assoc. Prof.
Soc. Dept., Colo. State. Univ.
Fort Collins CO 80523 USA

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