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st: Horizontal time line graph of individual with time events

From   Jannik Helweg-Larsen <>
Subject   st: Horizontal time line graph of individual with time events
Date   Fri, 4 Mar 2011 11:33:01 +0100


I'm searching for a way to illustrate  horizontal timelines with
markers for individual  time events, preferably in line with this very
nice graph- but been unable to identify the right kind of graph

Although I realise that this kind of  detailed graphical display is
not routinely available- I would like to find som sort of graphing
which comes close to this example:

Is there a name for such a graph?

To give a concrete example (real data):

For each individual influenza patients hospitalized I would like to
graph time (days) on horizontal lines starting from onset of symptoms
illustrating  the total time of hospitalisation, with indicators along
these lines with:

1) Admission days after symptomstart
2) First day PCR positive for Influenza
3) Last Day PCR positive
4) Days after symptomstart  starting tamiflu
5) Days after symptomstart  stopping tamiflu

  id   sympstart     admdate    firstpcr     lastpcr   tamistart
tamistop      lastfu
  1.   10/12/2010  12/12/2010  22/12/2010  04/01/2011  22/12/2010
10/01/2011  21/01/2011
  2.   18/12/2010  21/12/2010  31/12/2010  03/01/2011  02/01/2011
08/01/2011  10/01/2011
  3.    01/01/2011  06/01/2011  06/01/2011  17/01/2011  07/01/2011
12/01/2011  27/01/2011
  4.   03/01/2011  13/01/2011  13/01/2011  17/01/2011  14/01/2011
18/01/2011  25/01/2011
  5.   04/01/2011  06/01/2011  16/01/2011  19/01/2011  17/01/2011
19/01/2011  19/01/2011
  6.   16/01/2011  17/01/2011  20/01/2011  27/01/2011  23/01/2011
28/01/2011  14/02/2011
  7.   23/01/2011  24/01/2011  24/01/2011  03/02/2011  24/01/2011
07/02/2011  21/02/2011
  8.   28/01/2011  04/02/2011  06/02/2011  11/02/2011  07/02/2011
15/02/2011  26/02/2011
  9.   28/01/2011  01/02/2011  02/02/2011  10/02/2011  01/02/2011
14/02/2011  01/03/2011

Jannik Helweg-Larsen M.D., DMSci
Department of Infectious Diseases, Section M5132
The Finsen Centre
Copenhagen University Hospital
9 Blegdamsvej
DK-2100 Copenhagen
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