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st: nlogit / asclogit replicate choice-alternatives per case

From   Nils Wlömert <>
Subject   st: nlogit / asclogit replicate choice-alternatives per case
Date   Thu, 2 Dec 2010 22:38:05 +0100

Dear listers,

my choice desingn includes multiple consecutive choice decisions per respondent (8 choices á 4 alternatives) and in some cases an alternative occurs twice per case (in different choice decisions).
This seems to cause problems estimating asclogit and nlogit and the  
following error messages occur:
nlogit: "note: 2324 cases (74368 obs) dropped due to no positive  
outcome or multiple positive outcomes per case"
asclogit: "variable alternative has replicate levels for one or more  
cases; this is not allowed"
(How) Is it possible to estimate asclogit and nlogit with multiple  
consecutive choices and replicate alternatives (in different choice  
decisions) per case? I have tried estimating both models with only one  
choice decision per case (4 alternatives each) which works fine.
Also, when estimating asclogit with effects-type coding the model does  
not converge due to collinearity (3 out of 26 parameters are dropped).
asclogit: "note: model has collinear variables; convergence may not be  
What would be the best way to deal with collinarity in this case? The  
model does not converge when the parameters are kept.
Many thanks!


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