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From | Nick Cox <> |
To | "''" <> |
Subject | st: RE: Observations for each category of expsore variables in regression. |
Date | Mon, 29 Nov 2010 10:54:59 +0000 |
If there were such an option, it would be documented in the help for -regress-, -logit- or -logistic-. But regardless of that, something like . tab exposurevariable if e(sample) -- issued immediately after the modelling command in question -- sounds like one solution for you. Nick Amal Khanolkar I was wondering if its possible to add an option in the regression command (linear & logistic) that would include the number of observations in each category of the exposure variable...? (or possibly enter a command that would list the total observations by each category of the exposure variables for the preceding regression). As far as I know, just the total no. of observations are included in the begining of the regression output. And if such an option exists, is it compatable with 'xi' & 'cluster' options? * * For searches and help try: * * *