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From | Cardani Roberta <> |
To | "" <> |
Subject | st: psuedo panel |
Date | Tue, 9 Nov 2010 16:50:21 +0100 |
Dear Statalister, I am working on repeated cross sections, following Deaton (1995). I have generated cohort by mean of the year of head of household (bcoh). I used logit regression for the analysis of cross sectional database. Using the command: collapse (mean) varlist [weight] , by (year bcoh country) I obtain a new database. The problem is that my dependent variable is now 0<=y<=1. What kind of command I have to use now? frcount for the fractional response model or a simple regr? Any help is welcome. Best Roberta ________________________________________ Da: [] per conto di Maarten buis [] Inviato: giovedì 28 ottobre 2010 14.02 A: Oggetto: Re: st: Re: Making Cohorts --- On Thu, 28/10/10, ajjee <wrote: > I want to implement the following strategy on my data. > > > Consider now the basic linear individual effect model > > yit = ai + bXit + uit i = 1,..N; t = 1,..T eq(1) > > where Xit is a (K x 1) vector of explanatory variables > which we assume exogenous to the model, index t and > i refer to time and individuals respectively. > Assuming, for simplicity, that there is a unique regressor > (K = 1), if we aggregate all observations to cohort level, > the resulting model can be written as > > (y-bar)_ct = (a-bar)_ct + b(x-bar)_ct + (u-bar)_ct c = 1,..C > > > where (x-bar)_ct is the average value of all observed > xit’s in cohort c at time t, and analogously for the other > variables in the model. The resulting data set is a pseudo > panel with repeated observations over T periods and C > cohorts. > > now I want to make cohorts (say for) birth year and then > want to aggregate the data as above. But I have 15 countries > also and I want to analyse particular attitudes in countries > based on three year surveys(6 waves). You earlier stated that you wanted to do a -logit- analysis. This type of averaging does not work in non-linear models, like -logit-. You can do the computations, but the results just don't mean what you think they mean. Instead you should look at -xtlogit- and -xtmelogit-. Hope this helps, Maarten -------------------------- Maarten L. Buis Institut fuer Soziologie Universitaet Tuebingen Wilhelmstrasse 36 72074 Tuebingen Germany -------------------------- * * For searches and help try: * * * * * For searches and help try: * * *