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From | Nick Cox <> |
To | "''" <> |
Subject | st: RE: Variable Estimation |
Date | Sun, 7 Nov 2010 17:13:06 +0000 |
This is difficult to follow. For example, where does the r(n) you refer to come from? You seem to be trying to put the mean into a variable, but what you will have in -r_m- is itself a variable, the mean so far, not in general the overall mean. Also, your calculation assumes no missing values. I suggest you read the documentation for -summarize- and -egen-. Nick Léon Bueckins I try to estimate the following variable, basing upon this equation: But somehow I can't get it to work properly, so I may need some help. The problem is that N is different for each t. *get number of groups per t bysort igroup : g trun =_n local nGroups =r(n) *get mean return per t = r_m,t g r_m = (sum(return))/_n *get csad g csad = (abs(return - r_m))/`nGroups' * * For searches and help try: * * *