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Re: st: RE: Displaying column percentages in a table

From   "Mustillo, Sarah A" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE: Displaying column percentages in a table
Date   Thu, 4 Nov 2010 21:29:22 -0400

Obviously this was a mistake. I replied to the wrong email. My apologies. If anyone has advice on how to get 12 year old boys to turn in their homework, I'd appreciate it!

Sent from my handheld.

Sarah A. Mustillo, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Purdue University

On Nov 4, 2010, at 9:21 PM, "Mustillo, Sarah A" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Gracie - thanks so much for responding. The weird thing is, he really does have that stuff done. if he is being honest, I'm looking at it right now. So, I really don't understand why he's not turning them in. He showed me the calendar (thanks for giving me the heads up on that!) and I just don't understand how he can not know when things are due. He swears he thought the cancer thing was due Friday, and I saw him doing it early in the week (because we are trying to get him to do things before he thinks they are due). But somehow he is struggling with getting stuff from his desk here to turned in there - unless we are really snowed about what he is or isn't doing, which is entirely possible. As such, I appreciate the communication with you - he was an a and b student at happy hollow and believe he has the ability to be one there, if he could only get on's so much harder to know what's going on now that he has so many teachers! 
> Sarah
> Sent from my handheld
> Sarah A. Mustillo, Ph.D
> Associate Professor
> Department of Sociology
> Purdue University
> On Nov 4, 2010, at 4:13 PM, Nick Winter <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Weirdly, I seem to have updated -tablecol- in March to fix this, but 
>> never sent the updated file to the SSC archives.  I have done so, it 
>> should be posted in due course.
>> If anyone needs the updated version immediately, just email me directly 
>> and I'll send it along ([email protected]).
>> And definitely don't run with scissors.
>> Nick
>> On 11/4/2010 4:05 PM, Dan Waldo wrote:
>>> Option 1, for me, is the programming equivalent of running with scissors. I shall pursue option 2.
>>> Thanks!
>>> --- On Thu, 11/4/10, Nick Cox<[email protected]>  wrote:
>>>> From: Nick Cox<[email protected]>
>>>> Subject: RE: st: RE: Displaying column percentages in a table
>>>> To: "'[email protected]'"<[email protected]>
>>>> Date: Thursday, November 4, 2010, 2:55 PM
>>>> It's a fixable bug. Clone the program
>>>> and edit the clone, or ask Nick Winter very nicely to fix it
>>>> at his convenience.
>>>> Nick
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> Dan Waldo
>>>> Thanks, Nick, for this clarification. The way my luck has
>>>> been running, I'm guessing there's no workaround, but I can
>>>> always cut-and-paste my tabular results and work from
>>>> there.
>>>> Again, thanks to you and to David for your time and
>>>> expertise.
>>>> --- On Thu, 11/4/10, Nick Cox<[email protected]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> From: Nick Cox<[email protected]>
>>>>> Subject: RE: st: RE: Displaying column percentages in
>>>> a table
>>>>> To: "'[email protected]'"
>>>> <[email protected]>
>>>>> Date: Thursday, November 4, 2010, 2:44 PM
>>>>> That's a small bug. A call to
>>>>> -tablecol- with -nofreq- option will result in that
>>>> option
>>>>> being passed direct to -tabdisp-, which is illegal.
>>>> The
>>>>> intent was that the -nofreq- call  would be trapped
>>>> but
>>>>> it's not specified as a separate option in the
>>>> -syntax-
>>>>> statement.
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> [email protected]
>>>>> Dan Waldo
>>>>> Thank you, David. This puts me pretty much where I
>>>> want to
>>>>> be. -tabulate- does not accept noninteger weights, so
>>>> that's
>>>>> a nonstarter; I was a little surprised to see that
>>>>> -tablecol- does not appear to support the nofreq
>>>> option
>>>>> (documentation notwithstanding). But I'll iterate on
>>>> this
>>>>> ... thanks for putting me in a good starting
>>>> position.
>>>>> --- On Thu, 11/4/10, David Radwin<[email protected]>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> If you like the -table- format, try
>>>>>> Nick Winter's -tablecol-, available
>>>>>> from SSC.
>>>>>> You can instead use the official -tabulate-
>>>> commands,
>>>>> but
>>>>>> then you forgo
>>>>>> some other features.
>>>>> Dan Waldo
>>>>>>> At present, I have this instruction:
>>>>>>> .table POVLL MCAID [pw=MARSUPWT] ,
>>>> f(%14.0fc)
>>>>> row
>>>>>>> In place of the count in each table cell, I
>>>> would
>>>>> like
>>>>>> to see the column
>>>>>>> percentage. I suspect there is a simple
>>>> command
>>>>> or
>>>>>> option that does
>>>>>> this,
>>>>>>> but for the life of me I cannot find it.
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>> -- 
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Nicholas Winter                                 434.924.6994 t
>> Assistant Professor                             434.924.3359 f
>> Department of Politics                  [email protected] e
>> University of Virginia w
>> S385 Gibson Hall, South Lawn
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