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st: new version of -tabout-

From   Christopher Baum <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: new version of -tabout-
Date   Thu, 4 Nov 2010 11:08:21 -0400

Thanks to Kit Baum, an update to -tabout- has been placed in the SSC archives. To obtain it, just type:

ssc install tabout, replace

from inside Stata.

This is version 2.0.4, the first update since 2007. It fixes a number of bugs which various users have reported to me by email, and also adds a few enhancements suggested by other users. These include:

* an mi option, to produce missings (the same as -tabulate-'s mi)
* a pop option, to produce weighted N counts in survey tables
* the addition of "semi" to the styles, to produced semi-colon delimited text files

I've also added a new section to the -tabout- tutorial (which is a PDF file included with the SSC download). That section is called "Tips and Tricks" and suggests some useful ways to get more out of -tabout- include the production of 3 way cross-tabulations. An old program of mine, recently hacked, is also discussed in this section. It allows users to produce tab delimited text files from Stata's -tabstat- and is called -tabstatout-.

Finally, I'd like to thank all those people who have emailed me over the last few years with suggestions for improvements, including some who have sent blocks of code. Where feasible, I've included these in my update, but constraints of time have made it impossible for me to initiate any major changes. One change I would like to make is providing users with comma decimal point output, a format preferred by European users. Using the "set dp comma" command in Stata does not make -tabout- produce such output, and one user has suggested that this is because -tabout- makes use of Mata. If others have more feedback on this issue, I'd appreciate hearing from you, as I would like to make this change.

Ian Watson
[email protected]

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