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From | Eric Booth <> |
To | "<>" <> |
Subject | Re: st: Followup: inverting a stored table of regression results - then exporting to a cvs/excel file |
Date | Thu, 4 Nov 2010 10:33:26 +0000 |
<> Thanks, Nick. Usually when I try to check whether a package I'm using is something I downloaded from SSC or not, I (lazily) just type -ssc d foo- or -ssc install foo- and as long as it doesn't give me the error: ssc install: "foo" not found at SSC, type -findit foo- (To find all packages at SSC that start with t, type -ssc describe t-) r(601); I assume it's from the SSC. I didn't get this error when I checked -stack- (apparently, because there is a page for it (, but I need to look closer in the future. - Eric __ Eric A. Booth Public Policy Research Institute Texas A&M University Office: +979.845.6754 Fax: +979.845.0249 On Nov 4, 2010, at 5:23 AM, Nick Cox wrote: > <sacrifice> > > Detail: -stack- is an official command of long standing. > > Nick > > > Eric Booth > > Also, to get the second part of the -estout- table to append vertically, not horizontally, you can use -stack- (from SSC): > > Replace the preserve/restore section in my prev. example with: > > **! > preserve > clear > insheet using "test.txt", tab nonames > sxpose, clear > stack _var1-_var16, into(v1-v8) clear > drop _stack > drop in 202 //drops the table title vars// > outsheet using "test_transposed.xls", replace nonames > restore > **! > > * > * For searches and help try: > * > * > * __ * * For searches and help try: * * *