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Re: st: "Best" command to output regression results
Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: "Best" command to output regression results
Wed, 3 Nov 2010 14:12:50 -0400
Thomas <[email protected]>:
A lot of the work happens in Word, if that is your platform. -esttab-
(part of -estout- on SSC) writes out RTF files with the rtf option
that can be easily included in a Word file using the Insert...File...
dialog in Word. See also -png2rtf- on SSC for a program to write
graphs to RTF, and see its help file for alternative methods--if you
are writing out a thousand graphs you may prefer Michael Blasnik's
method using a mail merge. It takes some work to set up though, so if
you only have a few tables and a few graphs it will probably not be
worthwhile to set up a mail merge. In TeX or LaTeX, you can directly
\include all kinds of things, but I don't know of a similar trick for
Word, aside from the mail merge.
On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Weichle, Thomas <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Statalisters,
> Is there a best command to output regression results (coefficients,
> confidence intervals)? The -estimates table- command doesn't allow you
> to output confidence intervals; it only allows you to output stars for
> significance levels. I came across the -estout- command and am trying
> to understand its usage. If I have saved the logistic regression
> results using -estimates store model1-, can someone provide me an
> example to output the ORs and confidence intervals (both rounded to 2
> decimal places) in the log file?
> Eventually, I'd like to take the estimates and put them in a Word
> document. Does anyone have a suggestion to do so without having to copy
> and paste each estimate into the Word document?
> Tom Weichle
> Math Statistician
> Center for Management of Complex Chronic Care (CMC3)
> Hines VA Hospital, Bldg 1, C202
> 708-202-8387 ext. 24261
> [email protected]
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