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Re: st: pointing to a class member function (likelihood) with optimize() in mata

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: pointing to a class member function (likelihood) with optimize() in mata
Date   Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:19:51 -0500

Pierre-Carl Michaud <[email protected]> is trying to use -optimize()- with
an evaluator function implemented as a member function of a Mata class:

> In mata, I am trying to write a general class to estimate models. I  
> have had no problem with optimize outside of a class. I want now to  
> call optimize in the class and I have a problem with the line
>    optimize_init_evaluator(s, &func())
> The likelihood func() is a member function (method) in the class and  
> as such referring to &func() does not find it. I've tried  
> &classname::func() and no luck either. &this.func() does refer to  
> something but then I get
>    modelbase::func():  3001  expected 6 arguments but received 1
> same error message if I define func() in the class definition as a  
> static member function.
> Anyone has an idea of how to point to a class function so that  
> optimize() finds it and its arguments?

There is no mechanism in object oriented programming (OOP) for calling a
class's public member function using it's address.  The user-programmer would
be required to know too many things about how the class system is implemented,
and the system would have to provide hooks to even make it possible.

Pierre-Carl can still use his general class, he will just need to provide
-optimize()- with a simple wrap-around function that basically is a
call-through to the class's evaluator function.  Here is a simple example,
using the logistic regression model.

First, let's define a class called 'logit_model' that has two private data
members, and three public function members.

	class logit_model {
		real colvector	y
		real matrix	X

		void set_y()
		void set_X()
		void eval()

The 'set_y()' function simply provides a way for the programmer to supply the
class instance with a dependent variable; similarly, 'set_X()' provides a way
to supply the independent variables.  The 'eval()' function will compute the
log-likelihood, gradient, and Hessian for the logistic regression model.

The 'set_*()' functions simply make a copy of the supplied argument.

	void logit_model::set_y(real colvector y)
		this.y = y

	void logit_model::set_X(real matrix X)
		this.X = X

The 'eval()' function computes a log-likelihood value, gradient vector , and
Hessian matrix according to the requirements of -optimize()-'s "d2" evaluator

	void logit_model::eval(	real	scalar		todo,
				real	rowvector	beta,
				real	scalar		lnf,
				real	rowvector	g,
				real	matrix		H)
		real colvector	pm
		real colvector	xb
		real colvector	lj
		real colvector	dllj
		real colvector	d2llj

		pm	= 2*(this.y :!= 0) :- 1
		xb	= this.X*beta'

		lj	= invlogit(pm:*xb)
		if (any(lj :== 0)) {
			lnf = .
		lnf = quadcolsum(ln(lj))
		if (todo == 0) return

		dllj	= pm :* invlogit(-pm:*xb)
		if (missing(dllj)) {
			lnf = .
		g	= quadcross(dllj, X)
		if (todo == 1) return

		d2llj	= abs(dllj) :* lj
		if (missing(d2llj)) {
			lnf = .
		H	= - quadcross(X, d2llj, X)

The only other function we need is the wrap-around function.  This wrap-around
function will take the arguments of -optimize()-'s "d2" evaluators, with the
addition of a single argument for the class instance.  We named the
wrap-around function 'logit_eval()', and here it is:

	void logit_eval(	real	scalar		todo,
				real	rowvector	beta,
				class	logit_model	M,
				real	scalar		lnf,
				real	rowvector	g,
				real	matrix		H)

Here is an example using the auto data, showing how this class and function
are used.

	sysuse auto
	gen one = 1

First we need to declare an instance of our class, and supply it with some
data for 'y' and 'X'.

	M = logit_model()
	M.set_y(st_data(., "foreign"))
	M.set_X(st_data(., "mpg turn trunk one"))

Now we can work with -optimize()-.

First we initialize an -optimize()- handle,

	S = optimize_init()

then declare the wrap-around evaluator function and its type,

	optimize_init_evaluator(S, &logit_eval())
	optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "d2")

then declare our class instance as an extra argument for the evaluator,

	optimize_init_argument(S, 1, M)

provide starting values, and finally perform the optimization.

	optimize_init_params(S, J(1,4,0))

Here is a log of the above example.  We added a call to Stata's -logit-
command to show that the results from -optimize()- match.

***** BEGIN:
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)

. gen one = 1

. mata:
------------------------------------------------- mata (type end to exit) -----
: class logit_model {
> private:
>         real colvector  y
>         real matrix     X
> public:
>         void set_y()
>         void set_X()
>         void eval()
> }

: void logit_model::set_y(real colvector y)
> {
>         this.y = y
> }

: void logit_model::set_X(real matrix X)
> {
>         this.X = X
> }

: void logit_model::eval( real    scalar          todo,
>                         real    rowvector       beta,
>                         real    scalar          lnf,
>                         real    rowvector       g,
>                         real    matrix          H)
> {
>         real colvector  pm
>         real colvector  xb
>         real colvector  lj
>         real colvector  dllj
>         real colvector  d2llj
>         pm      = 2*(this.y :!= 0) :- 1
>         xb      = this.X*beta'
>         lj      = invlogit(pm:*xb)
>         if (any(lj :== 0)) {
>                 lnf = .
>                 return
>         }
>         lnf = quadcolsum(ln(lj))
>         if (todo == 0) return
>         dllj    = pm :* invlogit(-pm:*xb)
>         if (missing(dllj)) {
>                 lnf = .
>                 return
>         }
>         g       = quadcross(dllj, X)
>         if (todo == 1) return
>         d2llj   = abs(dllj) :* lj
>         if (missing(d2llj)) {
>                 lnf = .
>                 return
>         }
>         H       = - quadcross(X, d2llj, X)
> }

: void logit_eval(        real    scalar          todo,
>                         real    rowvector       beta,
>                         class   logit_model     M,
>                         real    scalar          lnf,
>                         real    rowvector       g,
>                         real    matrix          H)
> {
>         M.eval(todo,beta,lnf,g,H)
> }

: M = logit_model()

: M.set_y(st_data(., "foreign"))

: M.set_X(st_data(., "mpg turn trunk one"))

: S = optimize_init()

: optimize_init_evaluator(S, &logit_eval())

: optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "d2")

: optimize_init_argument(S, 1, M)

: optimize_init_params(S, J(1,4,0))

: optimize(S)
Iteration 0:   f(p) = -51.292891  
Iteration 1:   f(p) = -25.856762  
Iteration 2:   f(p) = -25.685523  
Iteration 3:   f(p) = -25.685148  
Iteration 4:   f(p) = -25.685148  
                  1              2              3              4
  1 |  -.0776544663   -.6146979766   -.0214041449    24.53154516  |

: end

. logit for mpg turn trunk

Iteration 0:   log likelihood =  -45.03321  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -28.007564  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -25.802293  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -25.685271  
Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -25.685148  
Iteration 5:   log likelihood = -25.685148  

Logistic regression                               Number of obs   =         74
                                                  LR chi2(3)      =      38.70
                                                  Prob > chi2     =     0.0000
Log likelihood = -25.685148                       Pseudo R2       =     0.4296

     foreign |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         mpg |  -.0776545   .0708997    -1.10   0.273    -.2166154    .0613065
        turn |   -.614698   .1599212    -3.84   0.000    -.9281377   -.3012583
       trunk |  -.0214041   .1120528    -0.19   0.849    -.2410236    .1982153
       _cons |   24.53155   6.785011     3.62   0.000     11.23317    37.82992
***** END:

--Jeff					-- Hua
[email protected]			[email protected]
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