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st: poisson gof in table - estout command

From   Uta Morgenstern <>
Subject   st: poisson gof in table - estout command
Date   Wed, 20 Oct 2010 09:14:34 +0100

Dear listserv users,

I'm trying to incorporate the goodness-of-fit measure (estat gof) that
is run as a postestimation after a Poisson regression into the output
table using the 'estout' command. Simply including 'gof' (or
variations) of the goodness-of-fit measure in the 'stats' sub-command
does not work - it just shows as 'poiss_g' in the table. I have tried
to store it beforehand but this also didn't work. I apologise
beforehand if the answer is obvious but I''m new to Stata and have not
found any help on this topic.

Many thanks in advance,

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