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st: -esttab- label and -estpost- Spearman

From   Amy Dunbar <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -esttab- label and -estpost- Spearman
Date   Fri, 15 Oct 2010 20:37:30 +0000

I have 2 questions about -esttab- and 1 question about -estpost-. 

1. When I use the following code:  

esttab using "table5.rtf",replace se ar2 unstack nogaps compress nonum label

N changes from N to Observations.  The documentation for esttab states, "  label specifies that variable labels be used instead of variable names....  Furthermore, label prints "Constant" instead of "_cons".  Does it also change N to observations?  If so, what can I do to keep N?

2.  I  used the following code to create a correlation table, but the table is too wide for the page.  Is there an option for changing from portrait to landscape?  My temporary solution was to label the variables with short names, but eventually I would like more descriptive names.

estpost correlate adjGAAP_ETR_t adjCURR_ETR_t adjCASH_ETR_t adjLR_CASH_ETR_t adjTotalBTD  adjDTAX adjAbnBTD adjSHELTER, matrix
esttab . using "table3.rtf", append notype unstack compress noobs nogaps nostar ///
     title({\b Table 3, Panel B:} {\i Industry-Adjusted Correlations}) ///
	 label varwidth(6) modelwidth(7)

3. Is there a way to estimate Spearman correlations using -estpost-?

Thank you for considering my questions.


Amy Dunbar
University of Connecticut
School of Business
Department of Accounting
2100 Hillside Road Unit 1041
Storrs, CT 06269-1041

cell 860-208-2737
[email protected]

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