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Re: st: generate

From   Mirriam Gee <>
Subject   Re: st: generate
Date   Thu, 7 Oct 2010 12:11:09 +0200

Thank you very much Dimitry for your suggestion. It worked perfectly
well but my main worry is I have many hid (30000) and many g
variables( eventually i will work with over 2000 variables), so i will
end up having memory limitation problems if I use reshape command.
Unless of course if I also divide my dataset into smaller groups.

Best regards

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:55 PM, Dimitriy V. Masterov
<> wrote:
> Mirriam Gee wants to:
>> generate new variable(s) X1- X20 which contains the first 20
>> numbers ( excluding the zeros) from g1- g100?. For example:
> There's probably a more elegant way of doing this, but this can be
> accomplished with the -reshape- command to make your data easier to
> work with, and then reshaping it again to get it like you want it for
> your analysis. First, preserve the data and then reshape long to get
> the X variable. Then, reshape wide and save the X variables. Restore
> the G variables data, and merge the Xs back in with the Gs:
> #delimit;
> /* Preserve your data */
> preserve;
> /* Preserve your data */
> preserve;
> /* Create the x variables with 2 reshapes */
> keep hid g*;
> reshape long g, i(hid) j(which_g);
> drop if g==0;
> rename g x;
> bys hid: gen t=_n;
> drop which_g;
> reshape wide x, i(hid) j(t);
> tempfile temp;
> save "`temp'";
> /* Restore data */
> restore;
> /* Merge the x variables with the g variables */
> merge 1:1 hid using "`temp'";
> drop x21-_merge;
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