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Re: st: ml methods d1 and d2 and robust / clustered standard errors

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: ml methods d1 and d2 and robust / clustered standard errors
Date   Tue, 21 Sep 2010 16:42:35 -0500

Timothee Carayol <[email protected]> has an -ml- method -d1-
evaluator program designed prior to Stata 11, and asks why -ml method d1- no
longer works with the -vce(robust)- option:

> I am left rather confused with Stata's response to my attempts to
> obtain robust standard errors using the -ml- command with method d1 or
> d2 evaluator in Stata 11.
> I tried to reproduce (word by word) the Stata 11 base reference
> manual's example on this (page 1081); with no success.
> My input:
> ************
> cap program drop weib1
> program  weib1
> args  todo  b  lnf  g  negH  g1  g2 //  negH,  g1,  and  g2  are  new
> tempvar  t1  t2
> mleval  `t1'  =  `b',  eq(1)
> mleval  `t2'  =  `b',  eq(2)
> local  t  "$ML_y1"
> local  d  "$ML_y2"
> tempvar  p  M  R
> quietly  gen  double  `p'  =  exp(`t2')
> quietly  gen  double  `M'  =  (`t'*exp(-`t1'))^`p'
> quietly  gen  double  `R'  =  ln(`t')-`t1'
> mlsum  `lnf'  =  -`M'  +  `d'*(`t2'-`t1'  +  (`p'-1)*`R')
> if  (`todo'==0  |  `lnf'>=.)  exit
> tempname  d1  d2
> quietly  replace  `g1'  =  `p'*(`M'-`d') /*  <--  new         */
> quietly  replace  `g2'  =  `d'  -  `R'*`p'*(`M'-`d')       /*  <--
> new         */
> mlvecsum  `lnf'  `d1'    =  `g1',  eq(1) /*  <--  changed  */
> mlvecsum  `lnf'  `d2'    =  `g2',  eq(2) /*  <--  changed  */
> matrix  `g'  =  (`d1',`d2')
> end
> use,  clear
> gen drug2 = drug==2
> gen drug3 = drug==3
> ml  model  d1  weib1  (studytime  died  =  drug2  drug3  age)  /s,  vce(robust)
> ml  maximize
> *************
> Stata's output:
> option vce(robust) is not allowed with evaltype d1
> In my understanding, the g1 and g2 variables should allow Stata to
> calculate the robust standard errors. It does work in Stata 10 and
> 10.1; but fails with Stata 11 and 11.1. So I can fix it by using
> -version 10-, but out of curiosity mainly I'd like to get it to work
> in versions 11 and 11.1.

With the release of Stata 11, -ml-'s optimization engine is implemented in
Mata through the -optimize()- routines.  With this change, the -d1- and -d2-
evaluator methods no longer work with -vce(robust)-, -pweight-s, or
-vce(cluster ...)-.  The old behavior continues to work only under version
control since the original -ml- engine was perserved and is callable only
under version control.

Although short-lived in the official on-line documentation, the -d1- and -d2-
methods supporting equation-level scores were renamed to -e1- and -e2- (see
-help ml_11-).  Note also that the modern -ml- with -e2- will need the -negh-
option because -ml- now assumes that the programmer computed second derivative
matrix is the Hessian matrix instead of the negative Hessian matrix (-negh-
implies that the evaluator returns the negative Hessian matrix).

Timothee can use the -e1- evaluator type in Stata 11 with -weib1- above.

Since the release of the updates in Stata 11.1, the official evaluator types
that work with equation level scores are named

	short name		long name
	lf			linearform

	lf0			linearform0
	lf1			linearform1
	lf2			linearform2

The -lf- evaluator type is as it was before.

Syntactically, the -lf#- evaluators are similar to the -d#- evaluators.

-lf0- is like -d0- except the evaluator is expected to return the
observation-level log-likelihood values instead of the overall log-likelihood

-lf1- is like -d1- except the evaluator is expected to return the
observation-level log-likelihood values instead of the overall log-likelihood
value, and equation-level score (first derivatives) variables instead of the
gradient vector.

-lf2- is like -d2- except the evaluator is expected to return the
observation-level log-likelihood values instead of the overall log-likelihood
value, equation-level score (first derivatives) variables instead of the
gradient vector, and the Hessian matrix (second derivatives)

Here is a version of Timothee's -weib1- program modified to be an -lf1-

***** BEGIN:
program weib_lf1
	version 11.1
	args todo b lnf g1 g2
	tempvar t1 t2
	mleval `t1' = `b', eq(1)
	mleval `t2' = `b', eq(2)
	local t "$ML_y1"
	local d "$ML_y2"
	tempvar p M R
	quietly gen double `p' = exp(`t2')
	quietly gen double `M' = (`t'*exp(-`t1'))^`p'
	quietly gen double `R' = ln(`t')-`t1'
	quietly replace `lnf' = -`M' + `d'*(`t2'-`t1' + (`p'-1)*`R')
	if (`todo'==0) exit
	quietly replace `g1' = `p'*(`M'-`d')
	quietly replace `g2' = `d' - `R'*`p'*(`M'-`d') 
***** END:

Here is the Stata 11 version of the example Timothee posted using this new
evaluator and the 'i.' operator on the -drug- factor variable:

***** BEGIN:
. webuse cancer
(Patient Survival in Drug Trial)

. ml model lf1 weib_lf1 (studytime died = i.drug age) /s, vce(robust) maximize

initial:       log pseudolikelihood =       -744
alternative:   log pseudolikelihood = -356.14276
rescale:       log pseudolikelihood = -200.80201
rescale eq:    log pseudolikelihood = -136.69232
Iteration 0:   log pseudolikelihood = -136.69232  (not concave)
Iteration 1:   log pseudolikelihood = -124.13044  
Iteration 2:   log pseudolikelihood = -113.99048  
Iteration 3:   log pseudolikelihood = -110.30732  
Iteration 4:   log pseudolikelihood = -110.26748  
Iteration 5:   log pseudolikelihood = -110.26736  
Iteration 6:   log pseudolikelihood = -110.26736  

. ml display

                                                  Number of obs   =         48
                                                  Wald chi2(3)    =      30.69
Log pseudolikelihood = -110.26736                 Prob > chi2     =     0.0000

             |               Robust
             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
eq1          |
        drug |
          2  |   1.012966   .2801321     3.62   0.000     .4639171    1.562015
          3  |    1.45917   .2878814     5.07   0.000      .894933    2.023407
         age |  -.0671728   .0189346    -3.55   0.000    -.1042839   -.0300616
       _cons |   6.060723   1.023302     5.92   0.000     4.055089    8.066358
s            |
       _cons |   .5573333   .1359451     4.10   0.000     .2908859    .8237808
***** END:

[email protected]
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