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Re: st: RE: Comparing variables by observation
Anisa Shyti <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: Comparing variables by observation
Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:12:53 +0200
I tried the following codes:
by obscode, sort: gen (1) = cond(5>= X1 & X1>= X2 & X2>=X3 & X3>=4, 1, 0)
by obscode, sort: gen (2) = cond(X1<=3 & 5<= X3, 1, 0)
I also tried:
gen byte cond2 = X5t[_n] <=3 & X7t[_n] >=5
Is this approach correct? I will try what you both suggest.
Otherwise, I'll have to look for a logical problem..
Thank you very much.
On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> No code of yours allows no comment on that.
> Responding to the algebra given, this kind of problem is one in which Stata's syntax is inescapably long-winded. To save checking on precedence rules I tend to parenthesise aggressively:
> (5 >= X1) & (X1 >= X2) & (X2 >= X3) & (X3 >= 4)
> (X1 <= 3) & (5 <= X3)
> What you wrote is not illegal but it will be interpreted in terms of 1s and 0s as explained at length in
> which will usually yield something quite different from what you want.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Anisa Shyti
> I have three variables X1 X2 X3
> (taking values from 1 to 10) and I need to compare their values, by
> observation, according to several conditions (which are theoretically
> derived) of the form, examples: (1) 5>= X1 >=X2 >=X3 >=4; (2) X1<=3
> and 5<= X3. I need to evaluate each condition on the data by counting
> the number of times it is met, in order to classify the observations.
> I tried several approaches, but the total number of classified
> observations exceeds the total number of observations. So, I am
> guessing I have some redundant counts - maybe I am doing something
> wrong with the coding (given that the conditions are correct).
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