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Re: st: RE: RE: problem with commands
Χρυσούλα Γιαννικοπούλου <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: RE: problem with commands
Thu, 9 Sep 2010 17:24:22 +0200
Dear Statalists,
unfortunately, there is a problem with the command you suggested me.
I have my data set save as "C:\Users\icehiwi\Desktop\DAT LIMITED\divers.dta"
So, I 'clear' and do the below commands:
cd "C:\Users\icehiwi\Desktop\DATATEC LIMITED\"
use divers.dta
gen firstsic_sub=int(sic_sub/100)
gen firstsic_moth=int(sic_mother/100)
gen twosic_sub=int(sic_sub/10)
gen twosic_moth=int(sic_mother/10)
capture erase new.dta
tempname new
postfile `new' str10 id_mother year double diver using new
levelsof year_inc_sub, local(levels)
foreach y of local levels {
count if (year_inc_sub<=`y') & (firstsic_moth!=firstsic_sub)
scalar digit=r(N)
count if year_inc_sub<=`y'
scalar total=r(N)
scalar a=scalar(digit)*3/scalar(total)
count if (year_inc_sub<=`y') & (firstsic_moth==firstsic_sub)
scalar digit2=r(N)
scalar b=scalar(digit2)*2/scalar(total)
count if (year_inc_sub<=`y') & (twosic_moth==twosic_sub)
scalar digit3=r(N)
scalar c=scalar(digit3)*1/scalar(total)
scalar all=scalar(a)+scalar(b)+scalar(c)
post `new' ("X") (`y') (scalar(all))
scalar drop all digit total
postclose `new'
use new, clear
sort year\
Finally, my results listed as:
id_mot~r year diver |
1. | X 1985 3 |
2. | X 1990 3 |
3. | X 1992 3 |
4. | X 1999 3 |
5. | X 2000 3 |
6. | X 2003 3 |
7. | X 2004 3 |
8. | X 2005 3 |
9. | X 2007 3 |
10. | X 2008 3
But, this is not exactly what I wanted. I would like the variable
'year' to be years from 1990-2005 in a sequence.
Any suggestion?
Thank you for consideration!
On 7 September 2010 23:01, Vassilopoulos Achilleas
<[email protected]> wrote:
> And this can keep going on forever... any ideas why my posts seem not to
> like ENTER????
> I just saw that also my "corrected" post appeared the same way...
> Thanks,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Vassilopoulos
> Achilleas
> Sent: 07 September, 2010 23:53
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: RE: problem with commands
> Sorry, I've just found out that some lines in my previous post did not
> appeared separated so I thought I should repost.
> I think this is what you're looking for :
> gen firstsic_sub=int(sic_sub/100)
> gen firstsic_moth=int(sic_mother/100)
> gen twosic_sub=int(sic_sub/10)
> gen twosic_moth=int(sic_mother/10)
> capture erase new.dta
> tempname new
> postfile `new' str10 id_mother year double diver using new
> levelsof year_inc_sub, local(levels)
> foreach y of local levels {
> count if (year_inc_sub<=`y') & (firstsic_moth!=firstsic_sub)
> scalar digit=r(N)
> count if year_inc_sub<=`y'
> scalar total=r(N)
> scalar a=scalar(digit)*3/scalar(total)
> count if (year_inc_sub<=`y') & (firstsic_moth==firstsic_sub)
> scalar digit2=r(N)
> scalar b=scalar(digit2)*2/scalar(total)
> count if (year_inc_sub<=`y') & (twosic_moth==twosic_sub)
> scalar digit3=r(N)
> scalar c=scalar(digit3)*1/scalar(total)
> scalar all=scalar(a)+scalar(b)+scalar(c)
> post `new' ("X") (`y') (scalar(all))
> scalar drop all digit total
> }
> postclose `new'
> use new, clear
> sort year
> Hope this helps,
> _____________ - _______________
> Achilleas Vassilopoulos
> Agricultural University of Athens,
> Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Lab. of Political
> Economy and European Integration.
> Iera Odos 75, 11855, Athens, Greece
> Tel: (+30) 210-5294726
> Fax: (+30) 2105294786
> Email : [email protected]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of ???s???a
> G?a?????p?????
> Sent: 07 September, 2010 13:49
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: problem with commands
> Dear Statalisters,
> I have a data set consisting of a number of companies which are all
> subsidiaries of the same company X. The following variables describe
> each of these companies and their mother company:
> 1) "id_mother", the identity of the mother company
> 2) "id_sub", the identity of the subsidiary company
> 3) "year_inc_sub", year of incorporation of the subsidiary
> 4) "SIC_mother", a 3-digit industry classification code for the mother
> 5) "SIC_sub", a 3-digit industry classification code for the subsidiary
> The dataset looks like this:
> id_mother sic_mother id_sub sic_sub year_inc_sub
> X 731 JP0JPN 738
> 1982
> X 731 JP680JPN 737
> 2002
> X 731 JP0JPN 899
> 2002
> X 731 JP0JPN 355
> 1953
> X 731 JPJPN 355
> 2001
> X 731 JPN 502
> 1972
> X 731 JPJPN 357
> 1960
> Based on this information I want to create a new dataset with a
> time-series structure, which will refer to the mother company "X" for
> the period 1990-2005. In the new dataset I want to have the following
> variables:
> 1) "id_mother", as above;
> 2) "year", the year of the observation;
> 3) "diversification", a new variable whose estimation I explain below.
> The diversification variable should be created under the following logic:
> For observation in year 1990 the value of diversification should be
> the sum of a, b, and c below:
> a) take the total number of subsidiary companies which were
> incorporated in 1990 or earlier whose 1st digit of sic_sub is
> different than the 1st digit of sic_mother and multiply them by 3;
> divide this number by the total number of companies which where
> incorporated in 1990 or earlier (in the example, the total number of
> companies existing in 1990 is 4)
> b) take the total number of subsidiary companies which were
> incorporated in 1990 or earlier for which only the 1st digit of their
> sic_sub is the same as the 1st digit of sic_mother and multiply them
> by 2; divide this number by the total number of companies which where
> incorporated in 1990 or earlier
> c) take the total number of subsidiary companies which were
> incorporated in 1990 or earlier, whose 1st and 2nd digits of sic_sub
> are the same as the 1st and 2nd digits of sic_mother but they differ
> in the 3rd digit, and multiply them by 1, divide this number by the
> total number of companies which where incorporated in 1990 or earlier
> The same logic should apply for the observations for years 1991-2005
> The expected dataset should look like this:
> id_mother year diversification
> X 1990 a+b+c when subsidiaries incorporated
> earlier than or equal to 1990
> X 1991 a+b+c when subsidiaries incorporated
> earlier than or equal to 1991
> X 1992 a+b+c when subsidiaries incorporated earlier
> than or equal to 1992
> X
> ............................................................................
> ................................
> X 2005 a+b+c when subsidiaries incorporated earlier
> than or equal to 2005
> - Hide quoted text -
> Thank you in advance.
> Chrysa
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