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Re: st: panel data analysis - avplots

From   David Jacobs <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: panel data analysis - avplots
Date   Fri, 27 Aug 2010 14:41:35 -0400

David, if you are using -xtreg, fe- or fixed effects estimation, you can get -avplots- by generating the case dummies and adding them to the model (or use the new "i" command); then estimate with -regress- and ask for the avplots you want.

But you'd have to come up with a proxi for the random-effects for this to work if you are using that estimation approach rather than fixed-effects.

Dave Jacobs

At 03:09 PM 8/26/2010, you wrote:
Dear STATA List

I am using the xtreg command for analyzing panel data. I want to develop
avplots in order to graphically show the impact of various independent
variables holding the other independent variables constant.

However STATA is returning an error: "last estimates not found". However,
when I drop the xt and only use the reg command it will produce my desired

I have searched on-line and cannot find any help. Is there an option for
producing avplots when conducting panel data analysis using the xt command
or some other solution I am not aware of?

Thanks for your help.

David Tandberg
Florida State University

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