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st: RE: incorporate table into figure

From   "Trelle Sven" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: incorporate table into figure
Date   Tue, 24 Aug 2010 09:37:21 +0200

Hi Jeph
If you wish to put persons at risk you could use "sts graph" with the
"risktable" option. 
For other graphs you could try to use a scatterplot with invisible
markers but superimposed labels showing your numbers. Below is a sample
code showing a fitted line (first line in code) plus actual
corresponding data points (second line in code) on a percentage scale
with absolute numbers in a table (third line in code; "yvaluef" is the
position of the table line on the y-scale, always the same value for the
different years ...; actual numbers are in a string variable "female";
The title for the table line is included using the text option). Note
however that the table will be shown within the plot region not below
(although there might be ways to change this).

* example starts; extract of more complex graph
line standfempred year, sort lcolor(red) ///
  || scatter year basisjahr, msymbol(o) mcolor(red) ///
  || scatter yvaluef year, msymbol(i) mlabel(female) mlabcolor(red)
mlabposition(9) mlabgap(-3.8) mlabs(small) ///
     yscale(r(1 3.8)) ylabel(1 "Reference" 2 "100%" 3 "200%" 4 "300%")
ymtick(1(0.5)3.8) xscale(r(-2.5 14.6)) xlabel(0 "1993/4" 4 "1997/8" 8
"2001/2" 12 "2005/6") xmtick(0(2)14) ytitle("Change") xtitle("Year")
text(0.75 -1 "Females", place(w) color(red) size(small)) legend(off)
scheme(s1color) name(standpred, replace)
* example ends


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jeph Herrin
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 3:45 AM
Subject: st: incorporate table into figure

I would like to incorporate a very simply (4x2) table into a figure. I
would like the 4 columns to line up with the four ticks on the x-axis,
but appearing below the axis. The row labels thus need to be in the left
margin. In particular, I need to reproduce a figure such as one of these

and the issue is lining up the numbers across the bottom.

I have tried to set it up as a -caption()- with two strings, but have
two problems. First, I cannot persuade the caption to be aligned with
the left side of the graph; -span- only aligns with the left edge of the
y-axis lable, whereas I have set the margin to be extra wide with
-graphreg(m())-. Second, there seems to be no way other than experiment
to align the 4 columns with 4 ticks on the x-axis. In the graph editor
there is a "position offset" for the caption box which I can set to <0
to achieve what I want, but I cannot find any corresponding


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