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Re: st: Cox proportional hazard model
Nyasha Tirivayi <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Cox proportional hazard model
Fri, 13 Aug 2010 00:39:18 +0200
Dear Michael
Thanks for the suggestion. I will change my approach.
Nyasha Tirivayi
Maastricht University
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 12:34 AM, Michael McCulloch
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Nyasha, Maarten explained very well the nature of what data you'd need to to
> time-to-employment analysis, which it turns out you can't measure in the
> context of your current project. This means you can't do survival analysis
> like the Cox method.
> Another alternative analysis strategy is to instead study the likelihood of
> a person getting a job within some pre-determined time frame, using logistic
> regression. The dependent variable then is getting employment (yes/no), and
> the predictor variables are things like
> food aid
> use of AIDS medication
> and other characteristics of the person or household
> Michael
> On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Nyasha Tirivayi wrote:
>> Dear Maarten
>> Thanks for clarifying. Now I understand. I had this wrong. In that
>> case I think I need to ask for ideas for alternative method since I do
>> not have data on employment/unemployment spells.
>> I have realized that I have 2 period panel data on employment status.
>> So I have employment1 and employment2. I am interested in seeing the
>> effects of AIDS medication on transitions from one state to another.
>> I also have another treatment variable- food aid. So you have some
>> households where a patient is on AIDS medication and household
>> receives food assistance. If I choose instead to look at the effect of
>> food assistance ( meaning all households in analysis will now have a
>> patient on AIDS medication), what kind of transition analysis can I
>> do.. or maybe I should simply carry out multiple regression analysis
>> or propensity score matching?
>> Kindly advise
>> Regards
>> Nyasha Tirivayi
>> Maastricht University
>> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:56 PM, Maarten buis <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>> --- On Thu, 12/8/10, Nyasha Tirivayi wrote:
>>>> So the duration of the AIDS medication taken by the patient
>>>> is the time variable, and getting employed/returning to work
>>>> is the event
>>> The time variable and the event are not two separate concepts,
>>> the duration is the time till the event occurs. When you look
>>> at time till employment, then starting AIDS medication is not
>>> the beginning of a spell, leaving the labor market, leaving
>>> school, becoming unemployed, are the beginning of the spell.
>>> Whether or not the patient takes AIDS medication is your
>>> explanatory variable, not your explained variable.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Maarten
>>> --------------------------
>>> Maarten L. Buis
>>> Institut fuer Soziologie
>>> Universitaet Tuebingen
>>> Wilhelmstrasse 36
>>> 72074 Tuebingen
>>> Germany
>>> --------------------------
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> Best wishes,
> Michael McCulloch, LAc MPH PhD
> Pine Street Foundation
> 124 Pine Street
> San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
> tel: 415-407-1357
> fax: 206-338-2391
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