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From | Maarten buis <> |
To | |
Subject | Re: st: Cox proportional hazard model |
Date | Thu, 12 Aug 2010 21:51:30 +0000 (GMT) |
--- On Thu, 12/8/10, Nyasha Tirivayi wrote: > I would like to look at the outcome for patients and also > the non-patient family members to check if there are any > spillover effects from the medication the patient is > receiving- theory being AIDS medication restores health to > patient, helping them return to work, and in turn could > also help other family members to shift labour from > caring for the patient, to gainful employment. So I would > like to have separate cox regressions for the patients and > non-patient family members? In that case you want to include all family members, patients and non-patient in your model. Use the -shared()- option to control for the fact that members of the same family are more similar to each other than randomly drawn people from the population. Add time varying dummies for patient status and medicine use, and where appropriate interactions. Time starts _not_ when people start using the medicine, but when they enter the labor market or become unemployed. You want to have families where the medicine is not used and families where the medicine is used, otherwise how can you find the effect of medicine use? The most informative families, are those that change during the duration of your study. The key thing is to keep the explanatory and explained variables separate, duration of unemployment is your explained/dependent/y variable and medicine use (whether or not, or duration) is your explanatory/independent/x variable. Hope this helps, Maarten -------------------------- Maarten L. Buis Institut fuer Soziologie Universitaet Tuebingen Wilhelmstrasse 36 72074 Tuebingen Germany -------------------------- * * For searches and help try: * * *