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st: RE: RE: RE: changes to scatter ? 'predxcat' not working with connect option

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: RE: RE: changes to scatter ? 'predxcat' not working with connect option
Date   Mon, 9 Aug 2010 18:04:38 +0100

I looked inside the program. 

I think you discovered a bug, or at least a limitation, of -predxcat-. 

It has the syntax that it allows graph options but you want to specify
an option that modifies a -twoway scatter- (which is combined with other
-graph- calls). 

As -predxcat- is written there is no way that -twoway scatter- sees that
option, which is only applied once the -scatter- is drawn. (A -twoway
rcap- is drawn on top of the -scatter-.) 

The usual way to tackle this kind of problem is to put the options for
different -twoway- calls into different groups. 

However, I can't explain your report of this working in March but not
now. So far as I can see, it shouldn't work, period. 


Hoffman, George

I'm sorry nick. Thank you for trying to enforce etiquette. 

The source for predxcat is the ssc collection.

.which predxcat
*! version 3.1.1 JMGarrett 26Mar06  

The program declares stata to run in version 8 mode. 
So I guess the question is, has there been a change in the emulation of
older stata versions in the more recent stata updates (or from version
10 to 11)

Nick Cox

I can't find a precise source for this command. The FAQ requests 

"Say what command(s) you are using. If they are not part of official
Stata, say where they come from: the STB/SJ, SSC, or other archives." 

Hoffman, George

On march 30, 2010, I ran the following command without difficulty:

predxcat fo2 if flush==0, xv(sample) mod gr connect(l l l)

today, I get the following error:

option connect() not allowed

predxcat is a user-writen program by joanne garrett to compute and graph
main effects from anova-type analyses. It uses scatter as the underlying
graph type.

Stata is updated to 11.1.

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