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re: st: Fw: Contingency tables etc. in Stata and SPSS

From   "Airey, David C" <david.airey@Vanderbilt.Edu>
To   "" <>
Subject   re: st: Fw: Contingency tables etc. in Stata and SPSS
Date   Sun, 8 Aug 2010 07:29:21 -0500


Nice web site.

This is an increasingly common question from users moving from SPSS to Stata.

see the online and PDF help for


The third party ssc command "fre" is a nice alternative to tabulate, too.

Beyond that and the sources you mentioned, maybe you can be the one to create the definitive "SPSS to Stata tabulation guide for survey researchers". UNC has some things as does UCLA.


> Greetings from a newbie to the list (but an Old SPSS Dog)
> Just been browsing round the Stata site to see if I can find any comparisons between Stata and SPSS for simple procedures like frequency counts and crosstabs. I'd like to display parallel examples of syntax and default output. [...]
> If anyone can point me in the direction of any Stata output like the tables and other materials on my website, I'd be grateful., also for feedback on ease of use and understanding.
> Regards
> John Hall

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