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Re: st: creating subsamples in panel data
Christopher Baum <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: creating subsamples in panel data
Sat, 7 Aug 2010 04:04:25 -0400
On Aug 7, 2010, at 2:33 AM, David wrote:
> I have have a large panel dataset containing bank data. I have a time
> variabel and a panel variable that identifies every bank uniquely.
> Now I want to divide my data in three groups( by percentiles) by their
> asset size to run regression for each individual group.
> I tried evey function I know about but nothing seems to work properly.
> I would be extremely grateful for every help I can get on this.If you
> wonder this is for my Bachelor Thesis and kind of new to STATA.
In order to create samples of small (<95th percentile), medium(between 95 and 99th percentile, large (>99th percentile) from my
large database of bank-quarter data:
egen cut95 = pctile(totassets) if tin(`start',`endp'), p(95) by(callqtr)
egen cut99 = pctile(totassets) if tin(`start',`endp'), p(99) by(callqtr)
g byte small = totassets < cut95
g byte medium = totassets >= cut95 & totassets < cut99
g byte large = !small & !medium
Kit Baum | Boston College Economics & DIW Berlin |
An Introduction to Stata Programming |
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata |
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