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From | Natalie Trapp <> |
To | |
Subject | Re: AW: st: Panelvar |
Date | Fri, 06 Aug 2010 10:53:09 +0200 |
On 8/6/2010 10:21 AM, Martin Weiss wrote:
<> I think -encode- is all Toby needs: ************* clear* inp str11 brand int year firstbrand 1990 firstbrand 1991 firstbrand 1992 secondbrand 1990 secondbrand 1991 secondbrand 1992 end list, noo //does not work cap noi xtset brand year //does work... encode brand, gen(numericbrand) xtset numericbrand year ************* What is the rest of your code meant to do, Natalie? HTH Martin -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Natalie Trapp Gesendet: Freitag, 6. August 2010 10:12 An: Betreff: Re: st: Panelvar On 8/6/2010 10:00 AM, Hobst wrote:Hello I have a panaldata set. I want to use the brandnames as the panel ID variable, but obviously Stata doesnt accpet a string variable as the panel ID var. How can i create a variable that defines a unique numbre for every brand name so i can use it as the panel ID var for my paneldata? Thanks a lot for your help. Regards TobyHi Toby, I would first encode the string variable: *encode varname, generate(newvarname) then I would use "forvalues" *sort newvarname *gen individual = . *gen newvarname_lag = newvarname[_n-1] *local number = 1 *replace individual = `number' in 1 *local anzahl = _N *forvalues i = 2/`anzahl' { *replace individual = `number' + 1 in `i' *replace individual = `number' if newvarname== newvarname_lag in `i' *local number = individual[`i'] *} *drop newvarname_lag I am sorry, there is most probably a much more simple way to do it, but I wrote this when I had to identify individuals over more than one variable. I hope this helps you. regards, natalie
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