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Re: st: AW: adjust vs. margins revisited

From   David Jacobs <>
Subject   Re: st: AW: adjust vs. margins revisited
Date   Fri, 30 Jul 2010 14:11:47 -0400

I agree Richard.

Dave Jacobs

At 01:33 PM 7/30/2010, you wrote:
At 11:23 AM 7/30/2010, Martin Weiss wrote:


At the German UGM in June, during "Wishes and Grumbles", I requested a table
providing a one-to-one mapping between the old -adjust- syntax and the new
-margins- syntax to give credence to the assertion in the (version 11.1)
help for -adjust- that

"...the margins command can do everything that adjust did and more". So
let`s hope it will materialise...
Margins is powerful but complicated. I've heard lots of people say 
they haven't figured it out yet. Even if they would be redundant, I 
wish the -adjust- and -mfx- commands would be updated for Stata 
11.  Saying that only -margins- is needed is sort of like saying you 
don't need commands like -regress- and -logit- because you've got 
-glm-. Breaking a complicated command into simpler, specialized 
pieces has a lot of value, in my opinion.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
HOME:   (574)289-5227
EMAIL:  Richard.A.Williams.5@ND.Edu

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