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st: RE: RE: Blinking message when using _rc

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Blinking message when using _rc
Date   Wed, 28 Jul 2010 22:26:29 +0100

You may just have omitted an -if-. 

! as the first character on a line will, as Martin says, be interpreted
as a call to the shell.  

Your inner code can be compressed as you don't need to -confirm var-

capture confirm variable `m'_X
if !_rc {
	quietly count if missing(`m'_X)
	if  r(N)==_N{
	drop `m'_X
	display "`m'_X" " dropped"
	else replace `m'_X="1" if `m'_X=="P"

although the last will fail if the variable in question is numeric. 

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

Just issue 


on its own to see the window. Without the -if- in front of it, it calls
OS, and the OS does not know "_rc"... "!" is a synonym for the Stata

Duha Altindag

I'm running the program below:

local M "A B C"
foreach m in `M' {

capture confirm variable `m'_X
!_rc {
quietly count if missing(`m'_X)
if  r(N)==_N{
drop `m'_X
display "`m'_X" " dropped"

capture confirm variable `m'_X
if !_rc {
replace `m'_X="1" if `m'_X=="P"

It does the job that I need. But while it is running, I see a black
windows window for just a moment each (literally), that gives me a
message that reads like:
"!_rc { is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file."
Because the program above runs many times, I see that window multiple
times for a moment, like blinking. I can hardly read it the moment I
see it, but I could write it down after running the code many times.
Does anyone have an idea of what that means?

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