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Re: st: Changing title with by option ?
Eric Booth <[email protected]>
"<[email protected]>" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Changing title with by option ?
Thu, 15 Jul 2010 15:49:29 +0000
While creating my previous example, I was trying to use the macro extended function "piece" to break up the value label automatically (rather than having to define each title in a macro manually). This would be increasingly useful if you had a lot more "by" categories & therefore a lot more graphs & title macros to create. I kept getting a syntax error with the extended function, but I got it worked out after I posted.
Here's my previous example reworked using the macro extended function:
**SETUP: create vars and label vars**
set obs 1000
g x = abs(runiform()*100)
g y = abs(runiform()*10)
g category = 1+int((3-1+1)*runiform())
lab var x "Quantity of X"
lab var y "Quantity of Y"
**label values**
//I added spaces using find/replace to allow the extended function below to find pieces**
lab def ll 1 "Mining / Quarrying / Oil&Gas / Extraction / Utilities / Construction / Manufacturing" , modify
lab def ll 2 "Extraction / Mining / Construction / Manufacturing / Quarrying / Oil&Gas / Utilities" , modify
lab def ll 3 "Oil&Gas / Utilities / Extraction / Mining / Construction / Manufacturing / OTHER", modify
label val cat ll
qui su categ
forval n = `r(min)'/`r(max)' {
**create titles by breaking up the value labels into 3 parts**
local title`n'a: piece 1 24 of "`:lab ll `n''", nobreak
local title`n'b: piece 2 24 of "`:lab ll `n''", nobreak
local title`n'c: piece 3 24 of "`:lab ll `n''", nobreak
local title`n' ""`title`n'a'" "`title`n'b'" "`title`n'c'""
di `"`title`n''"'
scatter y x if category==`n', ///
title(`title`n'', size(medsmall)) name(graph`n', replace)
graph save graph`n' "graph`n'.gph", replace
graph combine graph1 graph2 graph3, ///
rows(1) title("{stSerif:OVERALL TITLE GOES HERE}") note("{bf:Source:} Data source is X")
~ Eric
Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754
On Jul 15, 2010, at 9:43 AM, Eric Booth wrote:
> <>
> Hi
> You can avoid using the graph editor by treating each "by" category as an "if" condition for a separate graph and then using -graph combine- to put them together:
> ******************!
> clear
> **SETUP: create vars and label vars**
> set obs 100
> g x = abs(runiform()*100)
> g y = abs(runiform()*10)
> g category = 1+int((3-1+1)*runiform())
> lab var x "Quantity of X"
> lab var y "Quantity of Y"
> **label values**
> lab def ll 1 "Mining/Quarrying/Oil&Gas/Extraction/Utilities/Construction/Manufacturing" , modify
> lab def ll 2 "Extraction/Mining/Construction/Manufacturing/Quarrying/Oil&Gas/Utilities" , modify
> lab def ll 3 "Oil&Gas/Utilities/Extraction/Mining/Construction/Manufacturing/OTHER", modify
> lab val category ll
> la li
> **graph titles**
> local title1 ""{bf:Mining/Quarrying/Oil&Gas}" "Extraction/Utilities" "{it:Construction/Manufacturing}""
> local title2 ""{bf:Extraction/Mining/Construction}" "Manufacturing/Quarrying" "{it:Oil&Gas/Utilities}""
> local title3 ""{bf:Oil&Gas/Utilities/Extraction}" "Mining/Construction" "{it:Manufacturing/OTHER}""
> *************
> *************
> //EXAMPLE 1//
> ****create graphs & combine****
> qui su categ
> forval n = `r(min)'/`r(max)' {
> scatter y x if category==`n', ///
> title(`title`n'', size(medsmall)) name(graph`n', replace)
> graph save graph`n' "graph`n'.gph", replace
> }
> graph combine graph1 graph2 graph3, ///
> rows(1) title("{stSerif:OVERALL TITLE GOES HERE}") note("{bf:Source:} Data source is X")
> //EXAMPLE 2//
> **Put this info in a text box or note and use shorter titles:
> qui su categ
> forval n = `r(min)'/`r(max)' {
> scatter y x if category==`n', ///
> title({stSerif:Industrial Activities for {bf:Nation `n'}}, size(medsmall)) name(graph`n', replace) ///
> text(1 85 `title`n'', orient(horizontal) si(vsmall) justification(center) box )
> graph save graph`n' "graph`n'.gph", replace
> }
> graph combine graph1 graph2 graph3, ///
> rows(1) title("{bf:{stSerif:OVERALL TITLE GOES HERE}}") note("{bf:Source:} Data source is X")
> ******************!
> I prefer to have less information than is in your value labels as the title of a graph. I think the information in your value labels is better used in a note, text box, etc; so, I would probably go with something closer to EXAMPLE 2 above.
> ~ Eric
> __
> Eric A. Booth
> Public Policy Research Institute
> Texas A&M University
> [email protected]
> Office: +979.845.6754
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Maarten buis wrote:
>> --------------------------
>> Maarten L. Buis
>> Institut fuer Soziologie
>> Universitaet Tuebingen
>> Wilhelmstrasse 36
>> 72074 Tuebingen
>> Germany
>> --------------------------
>> --- On Thu, 15/7/10, Heekyung Hellen Kim wrote:
>>>> My label for category is too long to put in one
>>>> line over each graph. Is there any way to appear
>>>> in two lines?
>>>> For example,
>>>> Category 1 = Mining/Quarrying/Oil&Gas
>>>> Extraction/Utilities/Construction/Manufacturing
>> --- On Thu, 15/7/10, Maarten buis wrote:
>>> Yes, but for titles above each by-graph you will
>>> need to use the graph editor:
>>> 1. Create your graph with the long titles
>>> 2. Open the graph editor, within the graph window
>>> go to File, and than to Start Graph Editor.
>>> 3. click on the title you want to change
>>> 4. enclose each part that you want to appear on a
>>> single line in double quotes. So in your case:
>>> "Mining/Quarrying/Oil&Gas" "Extraction/Utilities/
>>> Construction/Manufacturing"
>> I've shown this recommendation in the movie below:
>> <>
>> Hope this helps,
>> Maarten
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