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Re: st: RE: Creating a new variable via another variable name based on a condition
Indu Khurana <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: Creating a new variable via another variable name based on a condition
Sat, 10 Jul 2010 03:40:34 -0400
Thanks Nick and Eric. I am trying to figure out how to do this.
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> A problem that remains is that Indu specified no rules for cases in
> which both time and equity are tied among two or more people.
> Such firms could be identified after my code by
> by id : gen ties = hours[_N] == hours[_N-1] & equity[_N] == equity[_N-1]
> l if ties
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Eric Booth
> Nevermind on the last part about Nick's code -- I missed his line
> "mvencode *, mv(0) override".
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:17 PM, Eric Booth wrote:
>> I also reshaped to long but approached it a different (and longer way)
> than Nick.
>> ********!
>> clear
>> inp firms hrs_owner1 hrs_owner2 hrs_owner3 equity_owner1 equity_owner2
> equity_owner3
>> 1 3 2 0 50 25 25
>> 2 2 3 6 25 50 25
>> 3 3 8 . 75 25 .
>> 4 2 . 2 80 . 20
>> end
>> **reshape**
>> reshape long hrs_owner equity_owner, i(firms) j(ownerid)
>> **find max**
>> bys firms: egen maxhours = max(hrs_owner)
>> **find ties**
>> g main_owner = ownerid if maxhours==hrs_owner
>> bys firms: egen maxequity = max(equity_owner) if !mi(main_owner)
>> **replace main_owner with tied owner with most equity**
>> bys firms: replace main_owner = . if maxequity != equity_owner
>> bys firms (main_owner): replace main_owner = main_owner[1]
>> drop max*
>> ********!
>> but I got a different answer than when I use Nick's solution
> (translated into my varnames):
>> bysort firms (hrs_ equity_) : gen main = ownerid[_N]
>> If I've translated the varnames correctly, I think Nick's command can
> assign main ownership to ids with missing data. There might be a better
> way to fix Nick's solution, but one way looks to be to recode the
> missings to zero:
>> ********
>> recode hrs_ equity_ (.=0)
>> bysort firms (hrs_ equity_) : gen main = ownerid[_N]
>> recode hrs_ equity_ (0=.)
>> ********
> Nick Cox
>>> (You should -update- to 8.2. It's free.)
>>> You should -reshape- your data to -long-. Then no loops are required.
>>> You don't give variable names. I will assume
>>> Firm identifier: id
>>> Hours worked by owners 1, 2, etc.: hours1, etc.
>>> Equity owned by owners 1, 2, etc.: equity1, etc.
>>> The -reshape- is
>>> reshape long hours equity, i(id)
>>> Then
>>> rename _j owner
>>> mvencode *, mv(0) override
>>> bysort id (hours equity) : gen main = owner[_N]
>>> Repeat: no loops.
> Indu Khurana
>>> Creating a new variable via another variable name based on a
> condition
>>> Using stata 8.0. I am trying to create a logical condition which
> would
>>> copy the name of the variable if satisfied.
>>> Here is what I have:
>>> Aim is to identify the main owner. I have generated one variable Main
>>> Owner
>>> I assign value to this variable using maximum no. of hours worked.
>>> I have information on
>>> 1. Total 10 owners. Sometimes there may be only 1 or 2 owners.
>>> 2. Hours - Number of hours worked per week.
>>> 3. Equity - Equity ownership by each worker.
>>> I have data for 5 years. There are approximately 5000 firms.
>>> There are 2 issues:
>>> 1. Lets say there are 2 owners (1 and 2) . Owner1 works for 3 hours
>>> and Owner2 works for 2 hours, then I want the variable main owner to
>>> take the value 1. How can I post the name of the variable and not the
>>> value?
>>> 2. Now if the hours worked for the owners are the same I use Equity
>>> ownership as the variable to resolve the tie. In that case owner with
>>> maximum equity ownership becomes the main owner. How to create a loop
>>> for this?
>>> 1st year data
>>> Firms Hrs owner1 Hrs owner2 Hrs owner3 main owner
>>> 1 3 2 0 1
>>> 2 2 3 6 3
>>> 3 3 8 . 2
>>> 4 2 . 2 tie - go to
>>> equity
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> 5000
>>> Firms Equity ownr1 Equity ownr2 Equity owner3 main ownr
>>> 1 50 25 25
> 1
>>> 2 25 50 25
> 3
>>> 3 75 25 .
> 2
>>> 4 80 . 20
> 1
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> 5000
>>> *
> *
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> *
Indu Khurana
Department of Economics, DM-308A
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199
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