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st: Is -collapse- the Stata's fastest routine to summarize data sets?

From   "Tiago V. Pereira" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Is -collapse- the Stata's fastest routine to summarize data sets?
Date   Fri, 9 Jul 2010 02:47:28 +0300 (BRT)

Many, many thanks Eric!

Yes, -tabout- really seems to be much faster than -collapse-. However, I
could not figure out how to make it work when one has n categorical
variables, and wants to summarize continous variables taking all possible
combinations of the n categorical variables.

-collapse- does that using the by() option.

Thanks again!


Dear Statalister,

I am eager to know any faster alternatives to -collapse-, because I have
to summarize relatively large data sets for a simulation study. -profiler-
is telling me that most of the computation burden comes from -collapse-.
Do you know (have) any faster alternative? Perhaps a plug-in?



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