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st: comparing matrices generated through cluster analysis

From   Rachel Lindenberg <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: comparing matrices generated through cluster analysis
Date   Tue, 6 Jul 2010 15:34:29 -0700

I am currently conducting research using cluster analysis.  First I
classified/clustered survey respondents based on whether they belong
to certain types of groups i.e. the variables below called Civil Moral
Cultural Political Economic are binary:

cluster averagelinkage Civil Moral Cultural Political Economic,

I know how to get diferent cut points

cluster gen alife9 = groups(9)
cluster gen alife3 = groups(3)

I think I understand how to analyze which result of clusters provides
the best "fit" to the data. So far, I have used things like:

cluster stop alife, rule(cal)

But what I want to do now is assess the fit of clustering based on the
use of different resemblance coefficients, different clustering
methods or even different input variables.  I want to be sure I am
using the best method and my final goal is to assess whether clusters
generated by group activity (as above) correspond to those generated
by income and eduation. I understand conceptually that what is
required is to unstring the resemblance matrix (or in some cases the
cophenetic matrix) and find a matrix correlation coefficient.  My
problem is I don't understand how to do this in STATA.  I'm having
trouble understanding how STATA commands correspond to these
conceptual ideas and how to save/work with the matrices

Does anyone have or know of a sample program that clearly explains the
appropriate procedure for this kind of analysis of even this final


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