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st: mata optimize problem
"Michael Ralph M. Abrigo" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: mata optimize problem
Sat, 3 Jul 2010 14:08:35 +0800
Good day statalisters!
I am practically new in programming, especially in Mata. I'm trying to
implement Lambert, Brown and Florax's (2010) poisson spatial lag model
("A two-step estimator for a spatial lag model for counts: Theory,
small sample performance and an application", Urban and Regional
Economics) in Stata using full-information ML (instead of the two-step
LIML). However, I got stuck because of a conformability error which I
cannot trace (I was able to generate the matrices interactively using
ad hoc values). I was hoping I can do the FIML first before I venture
to their two-step estimator.
Any hint will be greatly appreciated.
Below is my code and the error messages.
drop _all
** (1) Set version; Open file
version 11.0
webuse "dollhill3.dta", clear
** (2) Generate constant; Local variables
gen cons = 1
local y deaths
local xlist smokes pyears cons
** (3) Generate weight matrix
sort pyears
gen xcoor = _n
gen ycoor = _n
spwmatrix gecon xcoor ycoor, wname(W) wtype(bin) ///
dband(0 1000) rowstand mata replace
** (4) Optimize using Mata
void spmlpoisson (
real scalar todo,
real rowvector rho_b,
real colvector lndensity,
real matrix g,
real matrix H)
external y, X, W, I
transmorphic A_inv
real colvector Xb_sar, mu_sar
real rowvector b
real scalar rho
rho_b = rho, b
A_inv = cholinv(I - rho * W)
Xb_sar = A_inv * X * b'
mu_sar = exp(Xb_sar)
lndensity = (y :* Xb_sar) - mu_sar - lnfactorial(y)
st_view(y = ., ., "`y'")
st_view(X = ., ., tokens("`xlist'"))
fh = fopen("W", "r")
W = fgetmatrix(fh)
I = I(cols(W))
S = optimize_init()
optimize_init_evaluator(S, &spmlpoisson())
optimize_init_which(S, "max")
optimize_init_evaluatortype(S, "d0")
optimize_init_params(S, J(1, cols(X) + 1, 0))
rho_b = optimize(S)
*: 3200 conformability error
spmlpoisson(): - function returned error
opt__calluser0_d(): - function returned error
opt__d0_calluser(): - function returned error
deriv__call1user_d(): - function returned error
_deriv__compute_value(): - function returned error
_deriv(): - function returned error
opt__eval_nr_d0(): - function returned error
opt__eval(): - function returned error
opt__looputil_iter0_common(): - function returned error
opt__looputil_iter0_nr(): - function returned error
opt__loop_nr(): - function returned error
optimize(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error
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