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st: setting pen and graph background color in old stata gph routines (venndiag)

From   Jens Lauritsen <>
Subject   st: setting pen and graph background color in old stata gph routines (venndiag)
Date   Sat, 12 Jun 2010 20:34:19 +0200

Hello all

Does anyone have at hand the colour codes for setting an old gph to
white background and black text.? (Stata version up to 6)

For my venndiag routine one can do like this:
venndiag a b c d, pen(99999999999)

and this would create black background with white text.
Then in Gimp (.org) I use the invert command to create a black on white

But it would be more elegant to do it directly in the venndiag.ado with
a switch.

By the way I get a number of requests for updating the venndiag routine to the new graph engine, but did not find a way (or time) to do so.
The correct version of venndiag.ado working Stata 10+11 is the one on 
Repec: via "findit venndiag" you get this as the last reference:
venndiag from
'VENNDIAG': module to generate Venn diagrams / venndiag produces a
so-called Venn diagram of the variables in / varlist. The Venn diagram
consists of a number of rectangles each / corresponding to one of the
variables in varlist. The rectangles / are arranged such that they overlap

regards Jens Lauritsen
Odense University Hospital
Southern Denmark University

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