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RE: st: RE: pattern-fills in stacked bar graph

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: pattern-fills in stacked bar graph
Date   Wed, 26 May 2010 18:05:54 +0100

So, you are stacking _means_ ? Actually, that's not a question. 
You are stacking means. Is that what you want to do? 

[email protected] 

Natalie Doss

Thank you. Here is an example similar to my data, but simpler:

x-variable: gender, taking values 0 and 1.
y-variables: income gap, divided into 3 components:
gap_ed,  gap_exp,  gap_unknown

I am using Stata 10.0. Without trying to use pattern fills, this is
very easy to do using the "bar graph" command. As in:

graph bar gap_ed gap_exp gap_unknown, over(gender) stack

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Martin Weiss <[email protected]>

> It is difficult to advise you on this, as we do not have your data.
> give an excerpt. Also, you should say that -tw parea- is user-written
> Sergiy.

Natalie Doss

> I am trying to do a stacked bar graph with different pattern fills. I
have 4
> outcomes and 7 components to each outcome. I am confused about how to
> twoway
> parea to make a bar graph. I believe I have to reorganize my data a
> amount, but am unsure of what exactly I need. An earlier thread on
this said
> that the collapse and contract commands would be most useful, but I'm
> new to stata and am wondering if anyone has more specific ideas.

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