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st: stcox, exacpt regression => error message: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood r(43o)"

From   "Oliver Eger" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: stcox, exacpt regression => error message: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood r(43o)"
Date   Wed, 26 May 2010 14:21:02 +0200

Dear Stata users,

I have an additional question:

I collected company data. The discrete character of my data causes many
ties. Cox (efron or exactp) and cloglog models give very similar results.
When I do regressions not only with parts but with my complete company data
set, using stcox and the exactp option, I got an error message: ?flat region
resulting in a missing likelihood r(43o)?

Are there any alternative algorithms/ ado files, calculating the
coefficients/ hazardrates as the exactp option would do it?

Best regards

Oliver Eger
Lehrstuhl für VWL - Innovationsökonomik
Universität Augsburg
Universität Hohenheim
Prof. Dr. Horst Hanusch - Prof. Dr. Andreas Pyka

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