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st: RE: AW: RE: AW: AW: RE: -ciplot- -eclplot- combine with box-options?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: AW: RE: AW: AW: RE: -ciplot- -eclplot- combine with box-options?
Date   Mon, 10 May 2010 11:31:25 +0100

My comment was a lament, not a reproach. I'll look at the help for
-stripplot- to make it clearer that -by()- is an easy alternative to

In return, I am not clear what you mean by better interpretable graphs
than those generated with -by()-. 

[email protected] 

Kaulisch, Marc

Dear Nick,

Thanks for the follow up clarifing opportunities with -stripplot-. I am
not as much into Stata that I can adhoc find solutions for two
nice-to-haves I would like. 1) Avoid a composite variable for including
two categorical variables (comparing sex by agegroup). 2) Better
interpretable graphs than those generated with by().

I might miss features of -stripplot- or Stata again.

. sysuse bpwide, clear

1) Example with boxplot
. graph hbox bp_before bp_after , over(sex, label(labs(vsmall)))
over(agegrp, label(labs(vsmall)) sort(1) descending)

2) Example with Confidence-intervals:

. tempfile tf1 tf2
. statsby mean1=r(mean) ub1=r(ub) lb1=r(lb) N1=r(N), by(agegrp)
saving(`tf1'): ci bp_before
. statsby mean2=r(mean) ub2=r(ub) lb2=r(lb) N2=r(N), by(agegrp)
saving(`tf2'): ci bp_after
. dsconcat `tf1' `tf2'
. generate axis = 6 if agegrp == 3 & sex == 0
. replace axis = 5 if agegrp == 3 & sex == 1
. replace axis = 4 if agegrp == 2 & sex == 0
. replace axis = 3 if agegrp == 2 & sex == 1
. replace axis = 2 if agegrp == 1 & sex == 0
. replace axis = 1 if agegrp == 1 & sex == 1
. la de laxis 6 "60+ Male" 5 "Female" 4 "46-59 Male" 3 "Female" 2 "30-45
Male" 1 "Female"
. la val axis laxis
. twoway scatter  axis mean1 || rcap ub1 lb1 axis, hori || scatter  axis
mean2 || rcap ub2 lb2 axis, hori , ///
			ylabel(1(1)6, labs(vsmall) nogrid val
angle(hori))			///	
			legend(label(1 "Mean bp_before") label(2 "CI
bp_before") ///
			label(3 "Mean bp_after") label(4 "CI bp_after")
size(vsmall) rows(2) span)

3) Stripplot (!?) with Confidence intervals:
* Generate axis as in solution (2)
. stripplot bp_before bp_after , by(axis, compact) vertical bar
boffset(0) ms(none) xsc(r(0.8 2.2))

Nick Cox

It's a pity that Marc missed a (simpler) solution with -stripplot- that
requires no dataset manipulation at all. 

sysuse bpwide 

stripplot bp_before bp_after , by(sex, compact) stack vertical bar

gets you there directly. 

If you really want only the c.i. bars, so that the data points are
suppressed, that's perverse, but you can do it too: 

stripplot bp_before bp_after , by(sex, compact) vertical bar boffset(0)
ms(none) xsc(r(0.8 2.2))

In short, -stripplot- for two or more variables and two or more groups
requires -by()- not -over()-. As program writer, I saw no point trying
to re-create a complicated set-up when -by()- does it for you for free. 

[email protected] 

Kaulisch, Marc

Okay, it seems that -statsby- does the trick together with -dsconcat-

Preliminary without labels etc:

sysuse bpwide
tempfile tf1 tf2
statsby mean1=r(mean) ub1=r(ub) lb1=r(lb) N1=r(N), by(agegrp)
saving(`tf1') subsets total: ci bp_before statsby mean2=r(mean)
ub2=r(ub) lb2=r(lb) N2=r(N), by(agegrp)
saving(`tf2') subsets total: ci bp_after dsconcat `tf1' `tf2'
twoway rcap ub1 lb1 agegrp || scatter mean1 agegrp || rcap ub2 lb2
agegrp || scatter mean2 agegrp 

Kaulisch, Marc


Thanks a lot for this extensive answer. I learn a lot. I haven't had
time yet to go deeper in the opportunities to work with statsby (will do
this later). But experimenting with -stripplot- I come very early to an

I would like to create a graph such as
. sysuse bpwide
. graph hbox bp_before bp_after, over(sex) over(agegrp), sort(1)

But I do not want a boxplot but a ci-bar as in stripplot...

-stripplot- does not allow two vars with over.

. ciplot bp_before bp_after, by(agegrp)
looks closer to my interest...

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