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Re: st: why messy when importing a csv file?
Steve Samuels <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: why messy when importing a csv file?
Thu, 6 May 2010 13:16:15 -0400
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> Three points:
> 1. I don't think that this kind of behaviour can in any sense be
> inferred or even guessed from your description "messy". Thus you wasted
> your previous email, and the time anyone spent reading it and pondering
> a reply.
> 2. I copied your file fragment previously posted and did not get this
> behaviour.
> 3. You should inspect your file for strange characters using a decent
> text editor or Stata's -hexdump- or Stata's -type-. Just because it is
> called .csv doesn't mean that much. There could be other stuff in it
> too.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Jessie Grace
> Neil,
> the results are as follows. There are only one variable named v1 and 23
> observations the number of which is not equal to my csv file. More, all
> values of the observations are blank.
> . list
> +----+
> | v1 |
> |----|
> 1. | |
> 2. | |
> 3. | |
> 4. | |
> 5. | |
> |----|
> 6. | |
> 7. | |
> 8. | |
> 9. | |
> 10. | |
> |----|
> 11. | |
> 12. | |
> 13. | |
> 14. | |
> 15. | |
> |----|
> 16. | |
> 17. | |
> 18. | |
> 19. | |
> 20. | |
> |----|
> 21. | |
> 22. | |
> 23. | |
> +----+
>> From: [email protected]
>> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Jessie Grace wrote:
>>> Dear statalists,
>>> I have a .csv file, which consists of the following.
>>> Stkcd,Accper,A001101000
>>> 000002,"1999-06-30",468010960.13
>>> 000002,"2002-09-30",1166858479.70
>>> 000002,"2000-01-01",772831829.15
>>> 000002,"2000-06-30",911966043.54
>>> 000002,"2000-12-31",995745160.05
>>> 000002,"2009-03-31",26921921879.80
>>> 000002,"1997-06-30",0
>>> 000002,"1991-12-31",88628783.34
>>> 000002,"1992-12-31",204653478.04
>>> 000003,"1998-12-31",120946052.36
>>> The first row contains variables names. The characteristic of the
> file is the contents of each row are in the same cell.
>>> No matter I typed "insheet using firms.csv" or "insheet using
> firms.csv,comma", the importing results are messy.
>> What does "messy" look like? If you could -list- the data and copy
>> and paste it to the list then...
>>> Could anyone tell me why and how to solve?
>> ...this might be more achievable, otherwise its just guessing.
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Steven Samuels
[email protected]
18 Cantine's Island
Saugerties NY 12477
Voice: 845-246-0774
Fax: 206-202-4783
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