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st: Non-linear random effect model: write my own ml program
"Yuyan Shi" <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
st: Non-linear random effect model: write my own ml program
Tue, 4 May 2010 17:14:48 -0400
Dear All,
I want to estimate a user-specified non-linear random effect model, which
does not have routine in Stata.
The function is:
Pij = 1-normal[(Tij-mu)/sigma]+ui+eij
Where i denotes individual, ij denotes "j"th observation for individual i.
This is a panel data.
Pij and Tij are dependent variables, mu and sigma are functions of x that I
want to estimate, ui is individual random effect, and eij is random error
term. Assume ui and eij is normally distributed with mean 0 and unknown
standard error.
I know I should integrate j observation for individual i, then integrate all
individuals to get summation of log likelihood. However, my experience in
non-linear panel data programming is limited. Can someone outline the steps
I should do for a ml estimation?
This is what I have so far based on linear random-effect model(not
converging). Not sure I am in the right direction. Really appreciate your
program define myre
args todo b lnf
tempvar xb mu lgmu sigma lgsigma sigmau lgsigmau z T S_z2 Sz_2 S_temp a
tempname sigmae lgsigmae
mleval `lgmu' = `b', eq(1)
qui gen double `mu' = exp(`lgmu')
mleval `lgsigma' = `b', eq(2)
qui gen double `sigma' = exp(`lgsigma')
qui gen double `xb' = normal(($ML_y1-exp(`lgmu'))/exp(`lgsigma'))
mleval `lgsigmau' = `b', eq(3)
mleval `lgsigmae' = `b', eq(4) scalar
qui gen double `sigmau' = exp(`lgsigmau')
scalar `sigmae' = exp(`lgsigmae')
sort id
qui {
gen double `z' = $ML_y2 - 1 + `xb'
*number of observations for each individual i
by id: gen `T' = _N
gen double `a' = (`sigmau'^2) / (`T'*(`sigmau'^2) + `sigmae'^2)
by id: egen double `S_z2' = sum(`z'^2)
by id: egen double `S_temp' = sum(`z')
by id: gen double `Sz_2' = `S_temp'^2
by id: gen `first' = (_n == 1)
mlsum `lnf' = -.5 * ///
( (`S_z2' - `a'*`Sz_2')/(`sigmae'^2) + ///
log(`T'*`sigmau'^2/`sigmae'^2 + 1) + ///
`T'*log(2*_pi*`sigmae'^2) ///
) if `first' == 1
ml model d0 myre (lgmu:y1 y2=$xvar) (lgsigma:$xvar) (lgsigmau:$zvar)
- Yuyan
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