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Re: st: mim: gllamm and estimates store
Maarten buis <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: mim: gllamm and estimates store
Mon, 3 May 2010 19:13:28 +0000 (GMT)
--- On Mon, 3/5/10, [email protected] wrote:
> > I need to fit a three-level logistic model on imputed
> > datasets. I read somewhere and it says that mim support.
> > gllamm. But when i try -mim:gllamm-, I got the error
> > message "command gllamm not recognised by mim; try
> > specifying category option". Is there a way to fix this
> > problem?
Part of the confusion may be due to a misunderstanding what
it means in "Stata-speak" when we say "specify the xyz option"
Concrete example: I could say "if you specify the -detail-
option in -summarize- you will get a more detailed summary of
your variable."
It means that in Stata you need to type:
sum foo bar, detail
instead of:
sum foo bar
(foo and bar are variable names)
Things get a bit more comples with prefix commands like -mim-.
Now you have basically two commans: in your case -mim- and
-gllamm-, so you need to know to which command you need to
add the option. The error message is issued by -mim-, so you
need to specify the option at the -mim- command:
mim , cat(fit): gllamm ...
Hope this helps,
Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen
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