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Re: st: question on gllamm with ip(f), the discrete latent variable
Hey Sky <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: question on gllamm with ip(f), the discrete latent variable
Mon, 3 May 2010 09:43:18 -0700 (PDT)
thanks for your answer.
I have tried another 3 computers, luckily there are many available for me, 2 does not work and 2 works. even.
but it seems it is the source of the problem. thanks again
----- Original Message ----
From: Stas Kolenikov <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sun, May 2, 2010 3:17:36 PM
Subject: Re: st: question on gllamm with ip(f), the discrete latent variable
That's an odd error message. Make sure your copy of gllamm is
installed correctly; type -ssc install gllamm, replace-.
On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Hey Sky <[email protected]> wrote:
> hey, All
> I am new to gllamm and have read the manual and some other documents for it,
> such as A review of random effects modelling using gllamm in Stata by Grilli, L.
> and Rampichini on website.
> I am modeling people training behavior base on their formal education history, ie
> ed9, acedu, etc, and accumulative on/off job training history, ie acojt, acoft, etc
> with panel data. I assume there is one latent variable, epsilon, with two types.
> thus every individual has a probability belong to each type. and I have code like
> below, which different choice has different explain variables controlled by constr.
> now my question is, everytime I try to run the gllamm, it will give me the
> following warning:
> "specify at least one file or folder to include in the zip file
> (error occurred in ML computation)
> (use trace option and check correctness of initial model)"
> I have tried Grilli, L's code and data set for discrete latent variable, which are given
> on, but the same warning appears and the program cannot continue.
> the trace does not help or maybe I skiped the message.
> I know the question should be a very basic but why is that and how to solve it?
> any hints are appreciated and thanks a lot in advance
> code:
> local contr234 "ed9 ed10 ed11 ed12 ed13 ed14 ed15 ed16 ed17"
> constr def 1 [c1]: acedu acexp acojt acoft
> constr def 2 [c2]: `contr234'
> constr def 3 [c3]: `contr234'
> constr def 4 [c4]: `contr234'
> gen cons=1
> eq mu1: cons
> gllamm choice ed9-ed18 xvar2-xvar7 xvar56 acedu acexp acojt acoft, ///
> i(id) base(5) link(mlogit) family(binom) constr(1 2 3 4) nip(2) ip(f) nrf(1) ///
> eq(mu1) dots trace
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Stas Kolenikov, also found at
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