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st: parmby: how to get value lables in output?

From   "Anupam" <[email protected]>
To   "Stata List" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: parmby: how to get value lables in output?
Date   Sat, 1 May 2010 13:35:43 +0530

How to get value labels in the output from parmby? Instead of _prop_1
prop_2, etc., I want value labels (see below). Thanks for your

Command and output are below:

. parmby "svy: proportion DE4A_5yr, missing", norestore rename(parm de4a_5yr
estimate Proportion)

Command: svy: proportion DE4A_5yr, missing

(running proportion on estimation sample)


Survey: Proportion estimation


Number of strata =       1          Number of obs    =  215754

Number of PSUs   =    2474          Population size  = 1.0e+09

                                    Design df        =    2473


      _prop_1: DE4A_5yr = 0-

      _prop_2: DE4A_5yr = 5-

      _prop_3: DE4A_5yr = 10-

      _prop_4: DE4A_5yr = 15-

      _prop_5: DE4A_5yr = 20-

      _prop_6: DE4A_5yr = 25-

      _prop_7: DE4A_5yr = 30-

      _prop_8: DE4A_5yr = 35-

      _prop_9: DE4A_5yr = 40-

     _prop_10: DE4A_5yr = 45-

     _prop_11: DE4A_5yr = 50-

     _prop_12: DE4A_5yr = 55-

     _prop_13: DE4A_5yr = 60-

     _prop_14: DE4A_5yr = 65-

     _prop_15: DE4A_5yr = 70-

     _prop_16: DE4A_5yr = 75-

     _prop_17: DE4A_5yr = 80-

     _prop_18: DE4A_5yr = .



             |             Linearized         Binomial Wald

             | Proportion   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]


DE4A_5yr     |

     _prop_1 |   .0066759   .0009649      .0047838     .008568

     _prop_2 |    .001211   .0002921      .0006382    .0017839

     _prop_3 |   .0009341   .0003057      .0003347    .0015335

     _prop_4 |    .001101   .0003248      .0004642    .0017379

     _prop_5 |   .0010596   .0002144      .0006392      .00148

     _prop_6 |   .0018453   .0006205      .0006286    .0030621

     _prop_7 |   .0010639    .000279      .0005167    .0016111

     _prop_8 |   .0015552   .0004017      .0007674    .0023429

     _prop_9 |   .0012013   .0002554      .0007004    .0017022

    _prop_10 |   .0021859   .0004139      .0013742    .0029975

    _prop_11 |   .0014081   .0002065      .0010031    .0018131

    _prop_12 |   .0020961   .0004735      .0011677    .0030246

    _prop_13 |   .0032379   .0006099      .0020419    .0044339

    _prop_14 |   .0061096   .0019506      .0022846    .0099346

    _prop_15 |   .0054201    .000871      .0037121    .0071282

    _prop_16 |   .0030363   .0004292      .0021947    .0038779

    _prop_17 |   .0068777   .0006943      .0055161    .0082392

    _prop_18 |   .9529809   .0028802       .947333    .9586288


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