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You are way too keen to dereference, I would say: - foreach j of num 1/100{-
instead of - foreach `j' of num 1/100{-, and the same for the other
Even though it is a simple macro, I cannot find where the invalid syntax
comes from.
Instead of creating new variables, I want to create new files.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
foreach `j' of num 1/100{
foreach `i' of num 1/`j'{
use "/aaa/aaa/nvessel.dta"
keep if nvessel ==`j'
gen round = `i'
save "/aaa/aaa/nvessel`i'.dta", replace
foreach `i' of num (`j'-1)/1{
append using "/aaa/aaa/nvessel`i'.dta"
save "/aaa/aaa/vessel_list`j'.dta", replace
Alexandre Vialou
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information that may be proprietary or privileged. If you receive this
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