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Re: st: RE: How can I append tabout output in Excel using logout?
sara khan <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: How can I append tabout output in Excel using logout?
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 13:13:31 +0100
Thank you all for responses.
I find formatting tables easier to do in Excel.
Roy Wada, the author of -logout- offered the following solution, which
worked for me:
* drop frivolous rows
sysuse auto, clear
local append replace
foreach y in trunk weight {
forv s=0/1 {
qui su mpg if foreign==`s'
if r(N)!=0{
caplog using logfile, `append': tabstat mpg if foreign==`s' ,
stat(n mean median p25 p75 min max )
local append append
logout, clear use(logfile)
drop if t1=="variable" & _n~=1
logout, save(test_together) excel replace
* keep them
sysuse auto, clear
local append replace
foreach y in trunk weight {
forv s=0/1 {
qui su mpg if foreign==`s'
if r(N)!=0{
caplog using logfile, `append': tabstat mpg if foreign==`s' ,
stat(n mean median p25 p75 min max )
local append append
logout, use(logfile) save(test_together) excel replace
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Neil Shephard <[email protected]> wrote:
> I don't really use Excel (other than to save data I've been sent to
> CSV for importing into Stata) or use M$-Windows, but I suspect that
> because of the proprietary nature of the Excel file format that
> -logout- is actually writing CSV files and files with the .csv
> extension are (generally) associated with the Excel program on most M$
> machines.
> If you _really_ want to do this (-collapse- and -statsby- will likely
> get you there quicker though), then you can write lots of individual
> files (with a slight tweaking of your code) and then concatenate them
> into one large file. You can even do this from within Stata by making
> a shell call.
>>> forv i=0/5 {
>>> foreach y in male singlet{
>>> forv s=0/1{
>>> di "myga==`i' & `y'==`s'"
>>> qui su bwtg if myga==`i' & intab1==1 & admit_ic==1 & bwtg<. & `y'
>>> if r(N)!=0{
>>> logout, save("C:\data\do_files\mytab_`i'_`y'_`s'.txt") excel replace: tabstat
>>> bwtg if myga==`i' & intab1==1 & admit_ic==1 & bwtg<., stat(n mean
>>> median p25 p75 min max ) by(`y') col(stat) f(%9.0g) notot nosep
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
> * Note that I've modified the above code so that each call to -logout-
> is writing the results to an individual file based on levels of i, y
> and s
> * Under a UNIX-like system the command to use is 'cat' and whilst
> you'd never have a "c:\" path the call would be
> !cat c:/data/do_files/mytab_* > c:/data/do_files/mytab.txt
> * Under M$-Windows you need to use the DOS Copy command (see
> !COPY c:/data/do_files/mytab_* c:/data/do_files/mytab.txt
> Should do the trick, but as Nick says what is it that you can't do in Stata?
> Neil
> --
> "... no scientific worker has a fixed level of significance at which
> from year to year, and in all circumstances, he rejects hypotheses; he
> rather gives his mind to each particular case in the light of his
> evidence and his ideas." - Sir Ronald A. Fisher (1956)
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