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From | Ekaterina Hertog <> |
To | "" <> |
Subject | Re: AW: st: RE: local macro |
Date | Tue, 27 Apr 2010 18:31:53 +0200 |
Dear Martin,Thanks a lot for the advice. I think using global macros and dropping them all at the end of each do file will serve my purposes best,
sincerely yours, Ekaterina Martin Weiss wrote:
<>" I would like to be able to run the section of the file which sets up the data and defines the local macro and then some regressions using that macro, but not all as specified in the do-file. Is that possible?"Commenting in and out with the tools in -help comments- is probably the best way to achieve your goal w/o resorting to -global-s. What is so bad about them, btw? You can erase them at any point via -ma drop _all-. HTH Martin -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Ekaterina Hertog Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. April 2010 17:58 An: Betreff: Re: st: RE: local macro Dear Nick,thank you very much for the clarification. Sorry, what would be the crucial details I have not mentioned and that could make my problem clearer to the Stata community? I am just trying to avoid using global macros as I am afraid that at some point I will forget I have defined one already and it will lead to confusion. I only want to use my local macro within one do-file, I am not using -programs- as defined by Stata. I would like not to have to run the whole of it each time as it takes a lot of time. I would like to be able to run the section of the file which sets up the data and defines the local macro and then some regressions using that macro, but not all as specified in the do-file. Is that possible?Ekaterina Nick Cox wrote:This isn't very clear to me, as you give lots of details but not all thecrucial ones! But the mention of a do file suggests that you are defining a local macro and one place and trying to use it in another. -local- means precisely that. Local macros are local to one of 1. an interactive session 2. a -program- defined as such3. a do file 4. a do file editor window, whether saved as a file or notand are not visible outside any such context. It may well be that globals will serve your purpose better. Nick HertogI was wondering if you could help me clarify something about local macros. I use Stata 11. I have a log do file with probably 100 regressions. I am essentially testing 2 models the 2nd one being an extension of the first in a sense that I use all the variables that proved important in the first model and add some new ones. To make editing easier once I finalised the first model I created a local macro which is a list of variables used in the first model and used it when running out the regressions of the second model. It works fine if I run my whole do file continuously. However, when I want to run just a fewlines:e.g. the line with a local macro and some regressions a few paragraphs down which use the macro in questionStata does not seem to recognise my local macro. Here is a sample of my commands:local streglist prsexratio2039 citotalgen osaka age agesq height weight income smoker withfam university goodhealth face3 sightprobl strongintnumb intsexratio streg `streglist' nodes desartokyo desosaka mindesinc if age<=40, dist(gamma) nolog I just wanted to confirm is it possible to use a local macro the way I was trying to and in that case what am I doing wrong? Or is it impossible and I should set a global macro instead?* * For searches and help try: * * *
-- Ekaterina Hertog (née Korobtseva) Career Development Fellow Department of Sociology and Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies University of Oxford 27 Winchester Road Oxford OX2 6NA United Kingdom * * For searches and help try: * * *