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st: RE: test for trend of an ordinal predictor

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: test for trend of an ordinal predictor
Date   Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:53:55 +0100

A basic graphical comparison of distributions for the three categories
is also essential. -dotplot- or -stripplot- (SSC) will help, for

[email protected] 


I am fitting a regression model with a normally distributed outcome (y) 
and an ordinal variable in 3 levels (x) as predictor. Obviously, when I 
use the command

xi: regress y i.x

I get separate coefficients for the second and the third level of the 
predictor while the first level is treated as reference. However, I 
would be very interested in testing the trend of the ordinal variable. 
In such a case, do I simply treat my ordinal var as a continuous one by 

regress y x

or is there  a better way to test the trend of x? I would appreciate any

help on this.

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