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st: RE: RE: not finding a temporary file, error 601
"Eduardo Esteve Perez" <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
st: RE: RE: not finding a temporary file, error 601
Mon, 26 Apr 2010 01:06:14 +0200
Dear Martin and statalisters:
As you told me I drop the bootstrap requirement, the problem that I get with the default option is that the stata get block, and I have to close the program because it doesn't work anymore, is this problem of computer capability?
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards
Eduardo Esteve
De: [email protected] en nombre de Martin Weiss
Enviado el: dom 25/04/2010 16:55
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: st: RE: not finding a temporary file, error 601
This looks like a problem related to the -bootstrap-ped standard errors.
What happens to the whole thing if you drop the requirement that the se is
bootstrapped and instead rely on the default se?
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Eduardo Esteve
Sent: Sonntag, 25. April 2010 14:51
To: stata
Subject: st: not finding a temporary file, error 601
Dear statalisters and Martin Weiss:
As I said in the previous question, the model that I intend to estimate is:
matrix B = (.,0,0,0,0\0,.,0,0,0\0,0,.,0,0\0,0,0,.,0\0,0,0,0,.)
matrix A = (1,0,0,0,0\.,1,0,0,0\.,.,1,.,0\0,0,.,1,.\.,.,.,.,1)
svar lnIP lnIPC lnm1 r lnTCE , aeq(A) beq(B) lag(2) technique(bfgs)
nrtolerance(1e-2) difficult ex(lncom reeuu)
when I try to estimate the I-R functions:
irf create cholirf4, step(40) set(chol_est) bsp reps(50)
I get the 6001 error
As Martin Weiss told me, I use the command set trace on. I copy the output
close to the message error.
Many thanks in advance,
Best regards
Eduardo Esteve
- }
- else .`T'.sep
= else .__000025.sep
----------------------------------------------------- end
_coef_table ---
- _est unhold `eres'
= _est unhold __000024
- }
- if e(oid_df)>= 1 {
- di as txt "LR test of identifying restrictions:" "{col
39}chi2(" as res %
> 3.0f e(oid_df) as txt ")= " _col(51) as res %7.4g e(chi2_oid) as txt "{col
60}Prob> ch
> i2{col 72}=" as res %6.3f chi2tail(e(oid_df),e(chi2_oid))
- }
------------------------------------------------------ end
svar.ETable2 ---
- }
end svar ---
- if e(rc_ml) == 0 & e(ic_ml) < 500 {
local res_ok 1
- else {
- local res_ok 0
- }
- }
- if `res_ok' == 1 {
= if 0 == 1 {
qui _varirf , step(`step') nose irfname(rep`r') noput
saving(`bstmp', replace
> )
if `r' == 1 {
qui use `"`bstmp'"', clear
`qsave' save `"`bsfile'"', `bsreplace'
else {
qui use `"`bsfile'"', clear
qui append using `"`bstmp'"'
qui save `"`bsfile'"', replace
- capture _est unhold `vres'
= capture _est unhold __00000F
- qui restore
- }
- }
- if "`bs'" != "" {
= if "bs" != "" {
- local std_char bs
- }
- if "`bsp'" != "" {
= if "bsp" != "" {
- local std_char bsp
- }
- local funcs "irf cirf oirf coirf sirf dm cdm fevd sfevd "
- foreach func of local funcs {
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf "
- }
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf (sd) stdcirf=cirf "
- }
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf (sd) stdcirf=cirf (sd)
stdoirf=oirf "
- }
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf (sd) stdcirf=cirf (sd)
stdoirf=oirf (sd) std
> coirf=coirf "
- }
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf (sd) stdcirf=cirf (sd)
stdoirf=oirf (sd) std
> coirf=coirf (sd) stdsirf=sirf "
- }
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf (sd) stdcirf=cirf (sd)
stdoirf=oirf (sd) std
> coirf=coirf (sd) stdsirf=sirf (sd) stddm=dm "
- }
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf (sd) stdcirf=cirf (sd)
stdoirf=oirf (sd) std
> coirf=coirf (sd) stdsirf=sirf (sd) stddm=dm (sd) stdcdm=cdm "
- }
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf (sd) stdcirf=cirf (sd)
stdoirf=oirf (sd) std
> coirf=coirf (sd) stdsirf=sirf (sd) stddm=dm (sd) stdcdm=cdm (sd)
stdfevd=fevd "
- }
- local clist "`clist' (sd) std`func'=`func' "
= local clist " (sd) stdirf=irf (sd) stdcirf=cirf (sd)
stdoirf=oirf (sd) std
> coirf=coirf (sd) stdsirf=sirf (sd) stddm=dm (sd) stdcdm=cdm (sd)
stdfevd=fevd (sd)
> stdsfevd=sfevd "
- }
- qui preserve
- qui use `"`bsfile'"', clear
= qui use `"C:\DOCUME~1\Usuario\CONFIG~1\Temp\ST_0j000004.tmp"',
file C:\DOCUME~1\Usuario\CONFIG~1\Temp\ST_0j000004.tmp not found
sort step response impulse
qui collapse `clist', by(step response impulse)
qui gen str15 irfname = "`irfname'"
forvalues i3 = 1/`eqs' {
local tv1 : word `i3' of `eqlist'
local tv2 : word `i3' of `endog'
qui replace impulse = "`tv2'" if impulse == "`tv1'"
qui replace response = "`tv2'" if response == "`tv1'"
sort irfname step response impulse
qui save `"`bstmp'"', replace
_varirf `order', step(`step') nose saving(`"`mrfile'"', replace)
> name')
qui use `"`mrfile'"', clear
sort irfname step response impulse
merge irfname step response impulse using `"`bstmp'"', update
qui count if _merge!=4
if r(N)>0 {
di as error "problem merging bs dataset with point " "estimates"
exit 498
else {
qui drop _merge
_virf_char , change(irfname(`irfname') stderr(`std_char')
reps(`reps') )
qui save "`mrfile'", replace
if "`cnslist_var'" != "" {
constraint drop `cnslist_var'
end _varirf ---
- local rc = _rc
- capture constraint drop $T_cns_a_n
= capture constraint drop 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992
1991 1990 1989
> 1988 1987 1986 1985
- capture constraint drop $T_cns_b_n
= capture constraint drop 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977
1976 1975 1974
> 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965
- capture constraint drop $T_cns_lr_n
= capture constraint drop
- macro drop T_cns_a_n
- macro drop T_cns_b_n
- macro drop T_cns_lr_n
- if `rc' != 0 {
= if 601 != 0 {
- exit `rc'
= exit 601
---------------------------------------------------- end
varirf_create.CREATE ---
------------------------------------------------------------- end
varirf_create ---
end varirf ---
-------------------------------------------------------------------- end
irf_create ---
- end irf ---
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