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st: Use of weights from Current Population Survey, March Supplement

From   Mónica Guadalupe Chávez Elorza <>
Subject   st: Use of weights from Current Population Survey, March Supplement
Date   Thu, 15 Apr 2010 10:51:56 -0500

I am using Stata 11.0 to analyze the Current Population Survey.
Specifically, weights on this survey are nonintegers, therefore when
using frequency weigths - fw=marsupwt- sends the following message:
may not use noninteger frequency weights.

I came out with two options, but which should I used? and Why?

1. To use the importance weight -iw=marsupwt-, which allows the use of
noninteger values, or
2. To generate a new weight, rounded to the nearest integer and that
for those values that are negatives, values are set to zero.

Any recommendations about the use of either option? Thanks!
Monica Guadalupe Chavez Elorza
Doctorado en Politica Publica

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