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From | Mónica Guadalupe Chávez Elorza <> |
To | |
Subject | st: Use of weights from Current Population Survey, March Supplement |
Date | Thu, 15 Apr 2010 10:51:56 -0500 |
I am using Stata 11.0 to analyze the Current Population Survey. Specifically, weights on this survey are nonintegers, therefore when using frequency weigths - fw=marsupwt- sends the following message: may not use noninteger frequency weights. I came out with two options, but which should I used? and Why? 1. To use the importance weight -iw=marsupwt-, which allows the use of noninteger values, or 2. To generate a new weight, rounded to the nearest integer and that for those values that are negatives, values are set to zero. Any recommendations about the use of either option? Thanks! -- Monica Guadalupe Chavez Elorza Doctorado en Politica Publica EGAP - ITESM Oficina +52 (81) 8625 8360 Movil +52 (1) 811 414 7411 Edificio EGAP 5to piso Av. Fundadores y Rufino Tamayo S/N San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L., México. CP 66269 * * For searches and help try: * * *